Chapter 6

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There was silence. No one moved. Dean looked at me I looked at the floor. Jo wrapped her arm around dean and Sam came standing next to me. "I thought you were still asleep y/n " Jo said. "I actually just woke up so I decided to come and talk to Sam since both of you were gone. " I said. "Well we went out to look for a venue we found the perfect one" She said. "That's great when are you getting married?" I asked drinking some water "Christmas" she said I spit out my water from my mouth and started coughing hard. "Are you ok?!?!" Sam asked helping me "y-yeah" I said. And coughed again "why so early?!?" I asked She smiled looking at me and rubbing her belly. "For a little reason" she said smiling. "Your- your pregnant?" I said. "Yup I am 3 weeks." She said. "Well...uh congrats...I'm gonna- uh I'm gonna just go back and do something...- I'll be right back." I said. I left running back to my room. I couldn't believe she was pregnant. I couldn't believe it.

I got to my room still shocked. If Sam said I shouldn't have given up on dean then why does he do this to me. I never stopped loving him. But he's lied to me so many times all the times. Ever since he had dated Jo its like another person not the same Dean Winchester I knew all my life. My best friend.

After that little "news" I haven't stepped out of my room. I didnt want to or planned to. I just didn't know how to act in front of him after what I'm feeling.

*knock knock*

"Who is it??" I asked. "Its me Jo" she said. Great.Just.great. "not now is a good time Jo.." I said. "Please we" she said. I went over and opened the door and saw Jo with a fake smile. (Btw. I have no hate against Jo. I love her but you know for the story..) Jo came inside and I sat down on my bed. "Listen....I know you like Dean.." She said. Ummm...any help?

What the hell??? "Who told you that??" I asked. She smirked and looked at me. "I had some magic help." She said. I looked down at her wrist and it was bleeding. "Why would you care??" I asked. "Because dean will be mine and I don't need any little trash brown girl ruining it." She said. "Are you really that over protective about dean?? You already have him what's there to worry about." I said. She just stared at me angry with a look that was trying not to cut my head off. If you ever seen that then you know what I mean.. " listen here-" I stopped her. "No you listen here. You already have dean so do me a favor and back away from me. You already have him so stop causing fights and try to ruin someone else family or friends just to have him. " I said.

She didn't say another word. I mean how could she. What tiger got your tongue?? She stepped up in front and saw me eye to eye. "Look just back away...or I'll tell them what I know about you." She said. "You don't know anything about me.." I said. She smirked and laughed. "Really honey I know you longer than anybody. " she said. "Then just tell them I mean that's all really what your good at." I said. "Back away and do everyone a favor by doing so." She then left and slammed the door shut.


How far was Jo going to go to finally get me away from dean??

The door then busted open and i saw dean come in.

He looked angry and I didn't know what happened. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO JO!!!" he yelled. "What are you talking about???!!!" I said. "You know damn well what I'm talking about!!!" He yelled. "Tell me cause I for sure don't know!!" I yelled. "You hurt Jo! You physically bruised her up and you know it!" He yelled. I couldn't believe the words he was saying. I didn't believe it I didn't want to believe it. I knew it wasn't true.

"DO YOU NOT KNOW ME!!!!" I yelled. "You really think I would hurt somebody that was carrying someone else life inside of them?!?!?" He looked at me. "I don't know do I really know you now a days?? " he asked. "You know what I'm done." I said.
"You know what so am I." He said. "Good. Believe everything she tells you. Its good thing to know that you will believe someone you barely know than someone you actually have known all your god damn life!!!!" I yelled.

"Hey!! What the hell is going on here??" I looked up and I saw Sam then Cas came in. "Y/n! Here physically hurt Jo." Dean said. "What?" Sam and Cas said at the same time. "I didn't!!! When are you going to believe me!!" I yelled. "Explain the bruieses and the hand that was bleeding." Dean said. "1. She told me she contacted a demon. 2. After she left my room! I didn't come out for anything else!" I said.

"Stop lying!!" Dean yelled. "I'm not!!!" I yelled. I was starring to get angry and if he didn't stop I would soon start attacking him and anyone that came my way.
"She couldn't possibly hurt Jo dean. " Cas said. "Explain the know you shouldn't have never come in the first place." Dean said. "Dean." Sam said. "No don't Sam. What are you trying to say." I said. He kept quiet we all looked at him. "If we never found you again. If we never contacted you again. This wouldn't have never happened." He said. "Dean!!" Sam yelled. "Then you know what I'll do you the favor and save you effort."

I was done I couldn't do this anymore.

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