Chapter 1

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Its been years since I was separated from my best friends. Its been 25 years since the incident. I've never forgotten the way that Mary died and the day that ended seeing my best friends. My mom told me that they had died. I never knew it was possible. But my dad said it too. I was hurt but if they were still alive they would been good hunters. Sammy would probably be having a good life. I am hunting right now. I was in college but I decides to take over the family business. I've been following all the hunts that my mom and dad left behind in their journal.

Right now I was hunting down a nest of vampires. Nothing really big but they have been killing people. So I wanted to finish the job. I was driving to a diner because I was starving. I drove all night and I was tired but I had to finish the job. I was probably leaving Kansas in few days. I came because it was here at home where I grew up for 3 years and they were the best ones of my life. I arrived at a small diner and put my h/c back into a pony tail. I got out and but my jacket on since it was cold time. I walked to the diner and went inside. This was my favorite diner when I was little. This was a hunters diner who everyone knew everyone. This place was family and I couldn't wait to stop by again. I sat down and ordered some pancakes and burger with salad and fries. It was breakfast but yet lunch.

"Omg ....little angel?" I looked up and it was Amy. "Yes Amy!" I said she hugged me she was like an older sister to me when we would come here. "Its been how many year? " she asked "25" I said.

"Wow.....your parents would been proud of you" she said. "Yeah I guess....but I've been raised by a great uncle " i said. "I know we all miss them. I know you have lost everyone you loved. I don't know if you know but " she said. "What?" I asked. "Dean and Sam came to visit" she said. "They're dead... My mom told me that they died" I said. "John died.... After he made a deal with crossroads demon. Dean was in comma and it was the only way to save him they got into car accident because of the sane demon that killed Mary" she said "Wow.... Um... I'm gonna go it was good to see you hope to talk to you again " I said I got the food and left to the motel. I was eating while driving. But then I was thinking about my home and the house I would always go over to. I decided to go back. Just go back and look at how much has changed. I arrived and I was breathe taking.

The house was the same. My house was unoccupied and the other one wasn't. It was my old best friends house. I decided to knock. I went over and the door opened.

"Hi I'm y/n I use to live here a long time ago next door and this was like my second home. I know you don't know me but I was wondering if I could take one last look " I said. "If this was your house then I can't deny you. Come on in someone is here are already I think you them " she said "oh OK thank you " I said. I went in and I saw her husband and her baby son. I went up stairs to Sam's room. No one was there and the room was alone. I remembered how it use to look the crib and Sam smiling. He was the cutest baby I ever saw I admired him so much. I didn't even know what Amy said was true or not. I just hope that john was alive and it wasn't true. I decides to leave the room and go to my house and go to the tree house I had. I walked out and I saw a car it looked familiar to me because it was one I use to see every time when I was little. "Hey what are you doing " I asked. There were these two guys there looking and touching my car. They looked up one was tall and one was short. "Sorry is this your car?" The tall one asked. "Yes.. It was my father's can I help you?" I asked . "is your name by any chance y/n l/n ?" Short one asked "yes?" I said. "Are you guys Winchesters?" They both nodded. "You guys were dead you can't be alive!!!" I yelled.

Old friends *Dean Winchester Love Story* ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now