Chapter 2

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"What are you talking about?" Tall one asked. "My best friend and his brother died. My mom and dad told me. I was separated from them. " I said. "Were alive....angel were alive. We died yes but were here alive." Dean said. "So its really you dean? Sam?" I asked. " one else " dean said. "How?" I asked "Angel" he said. "Oh.." Was all I said. I didn't know what else to say. I wanted to know why my parents lied to me. "Believe me its us.." Dean said. I went up to them and looked them straight in the eyes. It was them but I didn't believe it.

"I'm sorry I don't believe you. I just can't believe you" I said. I went to my car and drove away. I didn't believe it was them. But I just didn't want for it to be true to what my mom and dad had said.

I arrived at the motel and went to my room. I took the ring off. It was the candy ring that dean had given me. I just added the silver and left the little piece of candy as the middle . I never forgotten that day. That moment went to a tragedy that I will never forget. I set it to the side of the table. So many memories. Yet very little time. There was a knock on the door. I went and they were there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked "We need to talk... " dean said. "Fine... Come on in" I said. They went and sat down. Dean then saw the ring. "Your engaged?" He asked. "Wow winchester you really don't know me enough. " I said. "Wait is it the candy ring I gave you when we?" He asked and I nodded. "What did you two do?" Sam asked. "Well dean here proposed to me when I was 3 and he was 4. " I said. "Wait....hahahaha you proposed to y/n?" Sam asked. "I was little plus you were a baby you would be surprised how close me and her were" he said. "Yeah were. " I said. "Wait I kinda remember you" Sam said. "What do you remember?" I asked "I always saw you coming over my crib looking at me" he said. "Didn't you use to have h/c hair ?" I smiled "yeah but somehow my hair turned to this color" I said. " I see the years did you guys good" Dean smiled. "Yeah not so bad you too....I mean cause I'm still the good looking than you two..." He said "that's not what you use to say" I said and laughed. "It is true! I'm still beat god damn looking than you" he said. "That's not what sammy said" I said. "Wow so you guys used me? I didn't do the wrong choice though" he said. "See told ya" I said. "Oh shut your pie hole.." Dean said. "Jerk" "bitch" I smiled.

"Looks like you guys need to catch up... You guys want any food?" Sam asked. "No I'm good" I said. "I know what you want dean so I'll be back in a bit" he said. He then left and it was just me and dean.

"What actually happened after we were pulled apart?" I asked. "A lot of things... Sammy died... And I went to hell and then we made the apocalypse happen. " he said. "Is it true john died?" I asked. "Yeah" he said. I was quiet dean knew how much his dad meant to me he was like a second father to me when my dad wasn't around.

"I know how much my dad meant to you" he said. "Yeah he was like the second father I use to have. He treated me like his own daughter even Mary. They were a big part of my life. " I said. "I know since that has happened. I've had to be strong for Sammy. I went to hell I needed someone I couldn't be sad or emotional with Sammy. He in some way looks up to me and I admire him. I needed you. I really did I missed you so much I needed someone strong with me" he said.

"Dean....I can't imagine what hell you and sam went through. I never thought I would ever see you again. I'm sorry you went through all that" I said. "Its not your fault I just wished you were there with us all these years." He said. "Well its not too late....we can still see each other and work together" I said. "I don't think so" he said "what do you mean?" I asked "There's so much going on right now Lucifer is loose and Crowley well not so much of a goof friend I don't want you to get hurt I've lost already some people and I don't want to loose you bobby already died a friend of ours died Kevin died I don't want you to die also because of me" he said. "I don't care..... I really don't.. I've lost people to. I don't care the risk. Please let me go with you guys I haven't seen you for almost 26 years 2 freaking decades without my best friend and his brother please ." I said I had tears forming in my eyes.

"OK" he said. I smiled I hugged him. He hugged me back. "I missed you too my angel " he said. I smiled and just hugged Him more. "I love you angel" he said "I love you too" I said. I pulled apart and he leaned in and we kissed. Omg I'm kissing my best friend. The door was opening and we pulled apart. It was Sam.

"Here's the food heh I brought you a .....salad. If you were hungry later  y/n " he said "thanks sam" I said. I sat down next to Sam and ate I was trying to avoid dean. This was so awkward.

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