Seven: "Brighter than a Blue Sky"

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"Yoongi, explain now." Jimin demanded, walking up to Yoongi with Taehyung tagging along behind him.

Yoongi raised and eyebrow. "What?" He asked.

Jimin rolled his eyes and pointed to the football player standing behind him. "HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE-"

Taehyung scoffed. "all I want to do is ask for your friend Jungkook's phone number, god damnit,"

Yoongi sighed. "See? Why do I have to explain?" He questioned.

Jimin shrugged. "I dunno- just wanted to know if you were the reason behind this. Guess not!" He slightly giggled and skipped away,Taehyung still following after him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned to his locker, jumping a bit when he felt arms snake around his waist.

He smiled and turned around, kissing the "stranger" on the cheek. "Hey, Hoseokie.." he murmured, looking at the tall male.

Hoseok winked and smiled softly, now walking towards the lunch room with Yoongi in his embrace.

"So, how was your dinner last night?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi smiled. "It was really good! You weren't lying when you said your Eomma was one of the best cooks here in Seoul!" He exclaimed, sitting down at one of the cafeteria tables.

Hoseok nodded. "You don't want any food?" He asked, Yoongi shaking his head in response.

"No. I had a waffle that Jin made me eat this morning so I'm fine.." Yoongi mumbled, looking at the ground.

Hoseok sighed and kissed Yoongi's forehead. "Okay..but you can have any of my food if you get hungry."

Yoongi nodded and watched as Hoseok slipped away from the table and into the lunch line.

Yoongi regretted looking back at the table when he saw Heather hovering above him.

"Aish, Hoseok's such a nice guy. Isn't he Yoongi?" She commented, making Yoongi a little nervous.

"M-Mhm.." he said, shyly smiling.

"Everyone already knew you liked him. You made it so damn obvious Yoongi. You even started to dress 'nicer' around him. You're such a slut for him." Heather spat.


Heather bit her cheek and looked behind him, almost suspiciously.


Yoongi gasped when he felt a warm substance now running through his hair and down the back of his shirt.

He raised his hand toward the top of his head and felt the substance. It was paint. White paint.

Why it was warm? Nobody knows. And nobody really wants to know.

"See? Now you look like the little cumslut that you are." Heather retorted, smirking cockily.

Yoongi teared up and ran out of the cafeteria, knowing he already looked like a fool.


Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror of the school bathroom. He imagined himself in front of his mirror at home, being able to pick up the sharp blade he had kept in the drawer just for this same reason.

Just in case he wanted to end it all.

The thoughts clouded his mind, but he released them. In hopes that he'd have happier dreams and images flooding his mind instead someday.

His thoughts were interrupted when a deep voice was heard. Not as deep as Taehyung's but pretty deep.

"Hey, Min are you okay?" A boy that Yoongi recognized as the boy who sits in the corner in math class spoke.

Yoongi sniffled and nodded quickly, hiding his face.

The boy ran over to Yoongi and started to comfort him, slowly stroking his hair.

Yoongi melted in the boys arms, feeling safe in another's arms other than Hoseok's.


Hoseok stopped. He saw Yoongi, crying and holding on to the tall, blonde, football player with the dimples that Hoseok knew as 'Namjoon'.

Hoseok frowned and walked over to Namjoon and Yoongi, making grabby hands towards his baby.

Namjoon handed Yoongi over to Hoseok, smiling sadly at the boy.

Yoongi instantly wrapped his arms around Hoseok, hugging him tightly and letting Hoseok kiss his cheeks a million times.

"My Yoonie..what'd she do to you..?" Hoseok asked, rubbing Yoongi's back gently.

Yoongi sobbed into Hoseok's shirt. "S-She poured paint on my h-head! A-And called me a-a s-s-slut!" Yoongi yelped, crying even harder when he visualized the incident again.

Hoseok frowned and started to whisper nice things into Yoongi's ear, just to cheer him up a bit.

Namjoon smiled at the two.

"You guys would make the perfect couple.." he stated, making Hoseok softly smiled as he held onto Yoongi.

Namjoon smiled back, his dimples peaking out through his rosie cheeks.

"I-I know.."
"If only it were that easy."

「Heather」 - YoonseokWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu