Twenty Five: "Gwangju"

650 36 16

Not me listening the the Julie and the phantoms track while writing this-

Yoongi gasped looking out the window of the plane. "Hobi, We're landing!" He exclaimed, shaking his boyfriend awake.

Hoseok's eyes fluttered open, looking around the plane.

Yoongi smile was bright, making Hoseok's simp ass smile like an idiot.

Ding "attention all passengers, we are now landing in Gwangju!"

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other, smiling.

The plane landed, staying there a few minutes for the passengers to grab their things and get off of the plane.

The trio got off the plane, heading to the gate where they would meet up with Mr. Jung and Dawon.

"Alright Seok, Dawon said she and appa would be here when we got o— oh! There they are." She explained, guiding the two boys.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok. "Seok.." he mumbled.

Hoseok hummed, glancing at Yoongi.

Yoongi looked down at his feet, starting to feel shy. "Will your appa like me like he did when I was a child..?"

Hoseok's heart sank. "Shit- I forgot about him.."

The thought of that made Yoongi start to panic. "H-Hobi what does that mean..?"

Hoseok sighed, continuing to follow Mrs. Jung. "Let's just be truthful and if he isn't supportive then fuck him. I love you, okay?"

Yoongi gave Hoseok a small smile. "I love you too hobi.."

Hoseok nodded, returning his eyes in front of him. Eventually the three approached Mr. Jung and Dawon.

"Eomma!" Dawon exclaimed, running up to Mrs. Jung and hugging her tightly.

Mrs. Jung smiled, hugging back. "Hey sweetie..I'm so happy to see you." She muttered.

Dawon nodded. "Me too Eomma.."

Hoseok chuckled. "I'm here too-"

Dawon gasped, unlatching herself from Mrs. Jung and running up to Hoseok. "Seok!" She yelped, hugging him tightly.

Hoseok smiled, catching his sister in his arms. "I missed you.."

"I did too Seok..I really did." She mumbled, opening her eyes to see Yoongi standing awkwardly behind Hoseok.

Dawon let go of Hoseok, smiling at Yoongi. "Hi! I'm dawon, Hoseok's sister."

Yoongi shyly nodded. "I-I know..I'm Y-Yoongi.." he greeted.

Dawon giggled. "Well aren't you a cutie! How do you know Hoseok?"

Yoongi blushed, looking down.

Hoseok chuckled, grabbing Yoongi's hand gently. "It's okay can tell her."

Yoongi nodded, obeying. "I-I'm Hoseok's boyfriend.."

Dawon gasped, smiling brightly. "OMGGGG-" she squealed, hugging Yoongi tightly. "YOURE ADORABLEEE!"

Yoongi blushed, looking nervously at Hoseok. "Th-Thank you.." he mumbled.

Dawon nodded, letting the poor boy go. "Of course cutie pie!"

Mr. Jung walked over to the group, his eyebrow raised. "How did you say Hoseok knew this boy?"

Dawons expression changed, looking at Mr. Jung. "Uhm.." they looked at each other, trying to figure out what to say.

Hoseok took a deep breath. "Father..I wanna be honest with you."

Yoongi's eyes got big, looking at Hoseok worriedly.

Mr. Jung nodded. "As you should."

Hoseok looked at his father, his expression serious. "Y-Yoongi is my boyfriend."

Mr. Jung nodded. "Hoseok.." he paused, looking at Yoongi with a blank face.

Hoseok gulped. "Yes father..?"

"I'm happy for you."

Hoseok nodded. "I understand but before you— wait.." he paused, widening his eyes. "What-?!"

Mr. Jung chuckled. "I'm happy for you Hoseok! I always knew you didn't just love women..I could tell by the second you became friends with Yoongi as a child."

Hoseok chuckled, tightening his grip on Yoongi's hand. "W-Well— I don't actually know my specific sexuality yet,'re right."

Mr. Jung nodded. "Anyways, we should head home. We have lots of planning to do for this week. And Hoseok, happy early birthday."

Hoseok smiled. "Thanks appa."

Mr. Jung nodded. "Of course son."

Lol you thought-
B Y E 💜

Lol you thought- B Y E 💜

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