Thirty Six: "I Still Remember"

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Yoongi laughed along side Hoseok, the soft snow falling from the sky as they walked along side the sidewalk.

"You know Seok, I still remember 4 years ago on the 3rd of December..when you gave me that red sweater." Yoongi mumbled, walking close next to Hoseok to stay warm.

"I'd literally wear that sweater all the time because it smelt like you.." he explained, holding onto Hoseok's hand.

Hoseok chuckled, smiling down at Yoongi. "I love hearing how lovesick you were in high school~" he cooed.

Yoongi gasped, slapping him gently. "That's mean! It's not my fault you fell for a bitch before seeing this ass." He muttered, smirking proudly.

Hoseok shrugged. "I've always thought your ass was legendary-"

Yoongi widened his eyes. "Hoseok what the fuck-"

Hoseok laughed. "I'm just kidding-"

Yoongi scoffed. "No you're no—"

"but at the same time that ass is—" Hoseok started, getting shut up by Yoongi pushing him in the snow.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, looking away and blushing. "You're so predictable."

Hoseok pouted, brushing the wet snow off of his pants and getting back up. "You love me though.."

Yoongi hummed. "I do.."

Hoseok smiled softly, kissing Yoongi's cheek. "Aren't you excited for our wedding, bub?"

Yoongi nodded. "Mhm..I can't believe in only 2 weeks I'm gonna become 'Jung Yoongi'."

Hoseok smiled brightly. "It has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?" He asked, clutching Yoongi's hand and looking where his ring will soon be displayed.

Yoongi agreed, smiling and leaning his head on Hoseok's shoulder. "I can't wait.."

"Me neither princess.." Hoseok mumbled, pecking Yoongi's lips.

He pulled away quickly, scrunching his nose. "You lips are cold-"

Yoongi giggled, attacking Hoseok with kisses. This action made them remember their high school days, Yoongi always doing the same thing when Hosoek complained that his lips were cold.

Hoseok gasped, running away from Yoongi.

Yoongi laughed, chasing after Hoseok. "Come back here, I'm not done giving you kissies!"

"Someone help meee!" Hoseok yelped, flailing his arms in the air.

Yeji pouted, kicking his legs in the air and resting her head on her hands. "Daddy, appa, when will I get a little sister?"

Yoongi choked on his drink, his eyes wide.

Hoseok tried his best to hold back a laugh, looking at Yeji with raised eyebrows.

Yoongi cleared his throat, trying to get his breath back. "Uhm- Yeji sweetie, it's not that easy- you see—"

Yeji groaned. "Sure it is! Just ask the hospital for one and then I can have a little sisi!"

Yoongi face palmed, looking at Hoseok.

Hoseok shrugged. "You heard the child. She wants a baby sister."

Yoongi squinted her eyes. "What are you implying, smart ass?"

Hoseok smirked. "Let's get to work kitten."

Yoongi widened his eyes, covering his face with his hands. Hoseok started laughing, confusing Yeji.

"Daddy, why is appa so shy all of the sudden? Is he okay?" Yeji asked, her eyes saddening.

Hoseok calmed down, still smiling. "Appas perfectly fine darling."

Yeji shrugged. "Anyways, I dunno why you guys have to 'work' to get me a baby sister. Dat don' make any sense-"

Yoongi sighed. "You'll find out one day Yej, just-" he looked down, shaking his head.

Hoseok smiled, letting Yoongi rest his head on his lap and picking up Yeji.

Yoongi took Yeji from Hoseok's arms and wrapped his own arms around her, the family cuddled up together in the couch.

Yeji giggled. "Appa, how are baby's made? Is it possible for you and daddy to make me a baby sister?"

Yoongi blushed, hiding his face in Yejis shirt.

Yeji furrowed her eyebrows. "Appa-?"

Hoseok chuckled, playing with Yejis hair. "We'll talk about that some other day..preferably when you're of age to know JiJi."

Yeji pouted, yawning.

Hoseok rubbed her back, noticing she had slowly started to drift to sleep. He then looked at Yoongi, his eyes struggling to stay open.

Hoseok cooed, leaning down and gently kissing Yoongi's forehead before letting him as well fall asleep.

He grabbed a blanket, laying it overtop of the two and closing his eyes.

Btw this was a short filler chap.

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