Twenty Seven: "Uh-Oh"

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"Hobi~ can you get me some juice? Pretty pleaseee!" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok chuckled, kissing Yoongi's cheek. "Of course bub.." he mumbled, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

He grabbed a juice box and from the fridge and them hurried back up stairs.

Yoongi gasped, making grabby hands toward Hoseok.

Hoseok smiled, handing the juice box to Yoongi.

Yoongi whined. "I said I wanted Water!"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "No you didn't- you said you wanted a juice bo—"

"Well I changed my mind!" Yoongi yelped, stuffing his face in his pillow and starting to cry.

Hoseok was hella confused. "No, don't cry Yoonie bear..I'm sorry. I'll go get you some water instead.."

Yoongi shook his head. "No!" He muttered. "I want juice~" he grabbed the juice box from Hoseok's hand and started opening it.

Hoseok sighed. "I'll be right back baby..I gotta talk to Eomma."

Yoongi whined. "Nooo baby Don't leave Yoonie.."

Hoseok shook his head and kissed Yoongi's forehead. "I'll be right back bub."

Yoongi pouted, taking a sip of his juice box.

Hoseok chuckled, getting off the bed and going back downstairs.

"Eomma.." Hoseok mumbled, sitting in the couch next to her. "I-..Uhm.."

Mrs. Jung cocked her head to the side. "What's up?"

Hoseok took a deep breath. "D-Do you think it's possible that I could've gotten Yoongi..pregnant..?"

Mrs. Jung widened her eyes. "Hoseok..we need to talk."

Hoseok held his head in his hands. "Okay, go ahead.."

Mrs. Jung nodded. "There's a special condition..for only some males. Some are given the ability to- well..yknow. Have children of their own, meaning actually giving birth to their child. Usually this happens depending on your sexuality. Some how, the universe will know. And well..Yoongi is in fact one of those men."

Hoseok sighed. "You could've told me this— I could've not- well- you know..-a-and shoot— I didn't even bother using a- Damnit."

Mrs. Jung chuckled, nodding. "Yeah..I thought I told you to do that by the way"

Hoseok laughed nervously, the two going quiet for a second.

"Wait- Eomma. How do you know Yoongi has that ability..?"

Mrs. Jung shook her head, looking down. "'s a long story. And I'm not sure if you're ready to know. I honestly I'm not sure if Yoongi's ready for you to know either.."

Hoseok nodding. "Right."

Mrs. Jung looked down. "Anyways.. are you sure you know if Yoongi's pregnant..?"

Hoseok looked down. "No..b-but we probably need to find out."

Mrs. Jung nodded. "I'll head out to the store."

Yoongi whined, coming out of the bathroom. "Hobi.."

Hoseok hummed, patting his lap.

Yoongi obeyed, crawling into Hoseok's lap. He sighed, taking the pregnancy test out of his pocket.

Hoseok gasped, seeing the two red lines. "Oh Jesus fucking Christ- Yoongi what're we gonna do..?"

Yoongi teared up. "I-I dunno hobi..I-I'm j-just so scared.." he paused. "W-We don't have the m-money to raise a child right now! F-Fuck— we're 18..I-I know I said I wanted k-kids but not th-this early.."

Hoseok sighed, back hugging Yoongi gently. "It's okay baby..I'll help you. I promise. I-I'll find a job, and I'll work until we get enough money to pay for the child."

Yoongi sniffled, nodding. "O-Okay..y-yeah.."

Hoseok gave Yoongi a reassuring smile, kissing the back of his neck. "Please be positive about this..sure, there's so many difficulties of teen pregnancy but..think about it. We're gonna be- parents.."

Yoongi giggled. "M-My Eomma would kill me.."

Hoseok shook his head, chuckling. "I'm pretty surprised that my Eomma didn't kill me for finding out I got you pregnant- after all, she told me to use protection and apparently I ignored that."

Yoongi laughed. "Well it'll be hard raising a child at 18..b-but it'll be easier with you.."

Hoseok smiled, kissing Yoongi's cheek. "I agree princess.."

Yoongi blushed, leaning his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

B I G      F R E A K I N G      C H A N G E

HEHE B I G      F R E A K I N G      C H A N G E:P

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