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I was in my kitchen pulling the a whole roasted chicken out of the over. The smell of the meat and mix of vegetables was enough to make my mouth water. I started setting up 2 places to eat and then I realized somthing was off. This wasn't my house, or it used to be but this house didn't exist anymore. It burned down. What is going on? I asked to myself.

Everything was how I had left it. Wedding plans scattered the dining room table, my keys and Kyle's hat he forgot that morning was hanging on the hooks. "Why am I back here?" I asked outloud but not to anyone.

"I brought you back here." His voice was soft, kind just like I remembered it.

"Kyle?" I turned and there he was. His tall and lanky form stood in the kitchen door way. His blue eyes were watching me with care. I gasped at the sight if him. "How? You're dead." He didn't respond. My hand covered my mouth in time to muffle my shocked scream. "I'm not dead to am I?"

Kyle's smile caused his eyes to pull at the corners. "No, baby not really or I should say not yet. It's up to you." He walked closer and took my hands. There was no electricity I grew used to.

I thought about what he said, it being up to me. When another though crossed my mine. "My pup...!"

"Is still alive. He will live for as long as your heart stays beating." Kyle told me and I thought some more.


Kyle chuckled slightly. "Yes he, you're carrying a boy."

I let out am amazed sigh. "James will be so thrilled. Wate James what happened to him? He was supposed to come help me, my brother was attacking me but he didn't make it in time." I was speaking faster as panic took over.

"Hey hey, shhhhh. He's fine and he did get to you in time. You blacked out and lost a lot of blood but you were not dead when he pulled the wolf off of you." Kyle told me the story of what happened.

I listened quietly taking in all the information and thought a long time befor speaking again. "What is this place. It looks like our home but our house burned down."

"Kinda the in between stage. You're not dead but you're not really alive either. It's like the twilight zone so to speak. They let me though to greet you and either lead you back or bring you on with me."

"And I can choose to go back or move on?" I asked, this really was a lot to take in.

"Yes, but baby before you make that choice I want to tell you somthing." He took a deep breath like he was looking for the right words. Sadness filled his eyes but somthing elce was there as well. "I love you. You're so strong so amazing it was a pleasure to get to be the one to hold you for as long as I did. I wish I could have been around longer but fate didn't make that a choice for us." Kyle looked up at the ceiling and swallowed back his emotions. "I haven't left you though. I have been watching and I am so proud of you. I also do just want to put it on the record I totally called the wolf being your Sprit animal." We both laughed at the memory. "James has taken amazing care of you. I am forever grateful for what's he's done for you. He brought back that smile I loved so much. As much as I would love to be with you again, baby you don't belong here. You belong with him and your child. You deserve to be happy. I can't make that choice for you but that's my wish for you." He pulled me in a tight hug and kissed my forehead.

I glanced around the room at my old life taking it all in. I missed this but this will never be again, and at the same time I was so tired of fighting. I didn't know how much more I could really take. We stood like that for a long time, his arms wrapped around me while I look at all our things. Finaly I made a choice.

"I know what I want to do." I looked up smiling at my sweet Kyle.

He instantly knew my choice without me having to speak a work. "Okay, let's get going then." And together he lead me out of our little house.


I know this chapter was like stupid short! I apologize!! So what do you think? What did she choose? What would you have chosen? See you at the next chapter!!

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