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I was mad. I was angry. I was walking towards Win and Kate. My rage was on Kate. How could she cling on to Win like that.

"Stop clinging on to him like that kate. He seems uncomfortable" I said . She just huffed in annoyance and that made me annoyed.

I just grabbed Kate and dragged her to a corner. "Listen here kate , I dont want to be mean but leave Win alone" I said. "Why should i, if you like him I'll back off because you are scary but if you dont then how bout you just leave us alone " she said that last part with sass.

I was losing my mind with the fuss were having and i didnt know why i was even getting angry about this whole thing
(Author pov: Ahem ahem,do u mean jealous instead of angry?)

"Yes......YES I DO LIKE HIM SO BACK OFF" I said more like shouted  startling both kate and myself. I was shocked at what I said but it just felt right. Thankfully no one was near us to what I just said.

Kate was at a loss of words. She just said        " fine ...I'll back off" and left. I was still standing there. Bright wtf are u saying. Why did you say you like him. Are u crazy. I've definitely gone crazy......

Crazy for you win .....


As I was going to the cafeteria Kate came out of nowhere. And she started clinging on to me. She kept on saying about how good of a singer I am and how popular I am becoming. I was a bit uncomfortable with her for some reason .

I saw Bright walking towards us. Anger obvious in his eyes. I gulped. He looks hot when hes angry ......

Wait what did I just think ? No Win No... I kept on arguing with myself on my mind until Bright told kate to leave me alone .

I was thankful to him as I was clearly uncomfortable but why did he look so angry. Did I do something wrong ?

But then Bright took Kate and left me standing there alone like a fool. I was a sad that Bright just left me...I felt lonely for some reason....I wanted him to stay with me,hold my hands, spend time with me and talk to me....like a mate.....

A mate....

The player and his singer [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora