Music club

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I woke up early and dressed up to go to school. Today was the day I was going to join the music club. To me music is like an art and I really love it especially the songs written and sang by Scrubb. I'm a fan of them and have been to many concerts. Anyways I left my house and went to school.

I took the application form in my hand and headed towards the club room. Inside I was greeted by a girl named Pear. She seemed to be nice and friendly I liked her vibe. She introduced me to all the members and I was glad that she did that. She told me not to enter one room though. I was confused and asked her why. She replied saying " just dont go in there otherwise somebodies cold eyes will kill you". I was honestly scared and confused now. Who was that person I thought to myself.

Later new recruits were called to the front. There was a boy. He seemed strong and he introduced himself. He said " I am Dim. The president of this club so you better respect me." As he was saying that the door bust open and there was another boy there. Looking at the boy and later at Dim I realized his scared reaction. I thought to myself" wow this strong looking man is afraid of this small boy". But soon I realized my thoughts were wrong. Everybody should be scared of this boy.

He started fighting with our club president for an unknown reason. There was honestly a lot of screaming going on until a guy came out from the room that no one dared to enter.

"Bright?"I thought to myself. What is he doing here. Is he in this club? I was so busy in my thoughts until I realized he was staring at me with those cold eyes of his. Now i realized how true what Pear said was.
Brights eyes can kill someone from the coldness he emits. But I wonder will his warmer side of himself make others melt in happiness? I thought.  "Oh gosh Win what the heck are you thinking" I said not knowing that I spoke out aloud. Apparently Bright heard that and gave me a smirk. He came towards me and whispered in my ear " am I too hot that you were thinking something dirty about me"? . My face flushed. I became a tomato. Yes a tomato...

He slowly took his face back and looked away from me as if now he were avoiding me. Wtf why is he doing that I thought to myself. I was feeling a bit sad but decided to ignore that feeling.

"Could you guys please stop fighting I cant focus on my practice" Bright said and suprisingly our club president and this boy stopped arguing. The boy nodded and listened to Bright. He was looking at bright with such glowy eyes that I saw Dim our club president get annoyed and snap his fingers at the boy. "Aye Green I'm your boyfriend stop looking at Bright like that".

After hearing that sentence I was shocked. The boy who was arguing so fiercely that it scared the others was actually Dims boyfriend and his name was Green. Green pouted but it seemed like he was happy at the fact that Dim was getting annoyed when he looked at bright.

" Anyways Bright since your out of your room why dont you stay here to listen to the newcomers audition"? Dim said. Bright just nodded and sat down. Green had also taken a seat and now people had started performing.

As my turn was coming soon I got very nervous. I was getting nervous only because of one thing which was brights reaction after my audition. I have no idea why I was thinking about only Brights reaction.

Now it was my turn I was a nervous wreck but suddenly I smelled that scent again. Lavender. It was calming and soothing and my nervousness had gone. "I'm win and I will be singing" i said. I asked if I can borrow a guitar as my MY BELOVED BROTHER TYPE HAD SOMEHOW BROKEN MY GUITAR. I sighed as our president say we dont have spares but you can use min-

"Use my guitar" Bright said cutting off Dim. He handed over his guitar to me and people were shocked at this sight even our president was but I didnt really know why. I shrugged off that thought and started singing. Yang Koo Gun.. that was the name of the song I sang.

After I finshed singing everybody was looking at me with shocked eyes. Bright was just staring at me. The room was silent and I was nervous...

The player and his singer [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant