Broken Grace chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"We're going to have to be more careful." Death muttered to Ink, who finally stopped panicking and now stood by Daze. "Flashbacks can happen at any time when you have something to remind you. And we are all reminders to Error."

"We really need to give him to a healer though!" Daze muttered softly, eyes not leaving Error.

"We'll think of something, for right now let's just get him back to the house." Death answered, knowing now was not the time to panic. He would rather wait until the healer told them everything, then he can panic and break a table like Maple did.

Blue growled when Honey picked him up, refusing to put him down. Echo backed up when Error let go of him, standing up and looking at the others not knowing what to do. "So....Who's Carrying him?" Echo asked, knowing he can't be the one to do it.

"oH FoR thE LOvE oF-!" Error huffed, reaching over to grab his Fallen rib. Then he stood up without any problems, scowling at Ink when he made a move to help him up or pick him up, either one really but in the end Error wanted neither. "I HAvE bEEn TeLLing YOu iT's FInE-!"



Everyone looked to the ground blankly, where a rib lay just at Error's feet. Eyelights bulged out and widened to massive degrees, Error just looks like this happened everyday.

"HUh, aNoTHeR ONe?" Error just said before picking it up as well. He gave it a once-over before giving a slight smile. "aT lEasT IT's a CLeAN bReak, eaSieR TO cOMe bAcK ON."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HUH, ANOTHER ONE'?!" Blue hysterically asked. To Error it looked like he could start foaming at the mouth at any moment. Blue held up two fingers, shaking them violently in Error's direction, Honey now having to fight to keep Blue in his arms - though Honey did have a look on his face, most likely thinking about joining Blue in his hysterics. "TWO RIBS! TWO!"

"OHMYGODWHY!?WHATDOIDONOW?!" Ink screamed at himself, not knowing what to do in this situation. He never had a skeleton monster right in front of him while their ribs fell off, he never thought this could even happen! This is something that he never had to prepare for, or even think about! "WENEEDAMEDIC!"

Daze started to cry harder, but kept calm even as his mind was screaming at everything. His brother was Misery, and he holds all dreams. He has seen some things that he never wanted to, but he knew how to keep calm under pressure - mostly. His body was shaking like a leaf as he tried to calm his breathing and SOUL. 'Okay Daze, you got this! Just move your legs and start walking Error to the house!' Twitching, Daze found he couldn't move his legs. They were numb. 'Okay, first order of business, get body back under control!'

"Shit." Echo muttered to himself, hands covering his sockets, leaning his head back as he tried to think. But all he could feel is guilt. While he may not be this 'G' that Error mentioned, he was his counterpart and it felt like his fault even if it wasn't. Seeing that rib just break off and fall, tumbling out from under Error's jacket, was horrifying. His mind whispered that this was his fault, but his SOUL knew the answer. He has so many questions, and only one other can answer them. 'G, if I ever see you,' hands tightened their hold and sockets closed tighter. 'You have a lot to answer for.' "Shit!"

All Death could do was stare at Error. Now, don't get him wrong. He was horrified like the others that Error was just falling apart, but that wasn't the thing that really made him worry. It was the way Error just shrugged like it was nothing, that he didn't even care that he was falling apart at the seams. It was the way he was so calm about it and had no cares that really made Death give a horrified gasp. Sure, Error had no fear of death - which Death secretly enjoyed, as that meant Error did not fear him. - but to have no worry about your health or body is another matter altogether. Now all he could do is watch to see if any other bones would fall, and try and think of a way for Error to agree to go to Life's place to get healed up.

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