Surprise Surprise (Request)

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"Shit!" I mumbled as I heard Niall's voice outside the door.

He's not supposed to see me yet!... I thought, my head rapidly searching for a good hiding place.

I bit my lip hard as I pushed my body under the table, pulling my legs inside, full of relief. The moment I let out a sigh, I heard Niall's voice inside the room... along with the others.

"That's was sick, mate!" I recognized Zayn's voice.

"Yeah. Did you see that girl who flashed us?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah!" Niall laughed, causing my heart to melt. I didn't realize how much I missed him until that cute laugh left his mouth. "Guys?" Suddenly, his voice turned into what I deduced is 'confusion'. "What is Hallie's backpack doing here?"

My eyes widened as I clapped my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut. How could I be so clumsy?

No one responded, probably as confused as Niall.

"Probably packed it with me by accident."His tone was now sad and depressed. "Oh man, I miss her so much. I think I'll cuddle with this bag to sleep." Chuckles filled the room, followed by Liam's voice.

"Only 1 month left!"

"That's too long. I wonder what she is doing now?" I bit my lip hard again. One more word and I think I will explode in tears. His words generated this soft feeling inside of me that just made me wanna kiss him.

"See what's inside it!" That was Louis. Typical!

"No... It fucking smells like her, too. That's not fair."He whined and that was it.

"Niall!" I murmured softly, uncurling my body from under the table. I chuckled nervously as all eyes were on me, in disbelief. "Hey guys!"

"Hallie?" Wide open mouth, twinkling eyes and red cheeks, he looked like a squashy pillow that you would kill to cuddle with.

"I missed you, too. More than you will ever imagine!" I shifted my feet in anxiety. Was he angry?

In a blink of an eye, I was crushed into a warm hug.

"I can't believe you are here." He planted a very passionate deep gentle kiss on my lips. It lasted for respectively 10 seconds, when he pulled away, out of breath, cupping both of my cheeks.

"Well... Surprise!"



Thanks for requesting @Fangirl7859.. hope you like it and sorry for being late :)

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