Chapter 11- It was our last day

Start from the beginning


"Wish your dad a happy birthday for me?"

"Course, see you later."

Allie's P.O.V

I finally got to the top of the hill and looked down at all the fields. It looked so beautiful. I looked around to see where Justin was but couldn't see him.

"BOO!" He jumped on my back. He always tries to scare me, he just can't though, im unscarable.

"I'm oh so terrified." I said sarcastically. He was stood right infront of the sun. He looked, perfect. "I'm gonna miss you Justin." I told him, adding that little bit of saddness into the perfect last day with my bestfriend. He looked at me smiling.

"Do you have your phone?" He asked me, i nodded. He put his hand out for it, I reached into my pocket,pulled out my Iphone 3 and placed it on his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked him curiously.

"Taking a picture, i want to remember this day. Smile." He pulled me in and put his arm around me, i'm going to miss this so much. After he'd taken the picture he put it up so we could see it. We totally messed it up, we weren't even looking at the camera, but at each other smiling. And even though it defied all the laws on taking pictures, it was perfect. "Roll to the bottom of the hill?" He asked me with that cheeky smile i'd grown up with. I grinned, grabbed his hand, and rolled.

I placed the photo back down on my dressing table. I felt a warm hand touch my arm, and then i was enveloped by his arms.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday, our last day together. It was the worst day of my life Allie, and the best. The day i finally plucked up the courage to kiss you. I cried you know? I don't cry but, i did that night. My bestfriend that i'd known since nursery left me." I turned around and looked straight at him.

"I'm sorry J, you know i didn't want to leave. I loved it at the Lakes, but i had to move here. It was hard for me too you know? Leaving you like that. I'd wanted you to kiss me for weeks, but you never did. And then on that last day you finally did and we never got to talk about it. We never had the chance to figure out what we were meant to be."

"We have now. Tell me, tell me everything you wanted to tell me then. All the thoughts, the emotions, tell me."

"You were my bestfriend Justin. And you always will be."

"Sames Allaboo." I hadn't been called Allaboo in 5 years. I could feel my eyes pooling up, i hugged him and once he hugged me back everything felt better. I pulled away and wiped my eyes.

"Well better get my stuff ready." I walked over the the wardrobe, slid th door back and picked out a couple of large bags. I took out about 8 tops, a few pairs of jeans, a couple of dresses, some belts, a bikini and then moved onto shoes. Meanwhile Justin was still stood at my dressing table looking at the pictures on my mirror. "Excuse me mr aren't you supposed to be helping me?" He was looking at something, a picture of me and Louis kissing, That was my favourite picture of the two of us.

"So you two, you're serious?" He looked at me smiling.

"You have no idea..." He raised his eyebrows as if to say tell me. I shook my head.

"Well then, i'll just have to tickle it out of you!" He leapt across the room and grabbed me, he tickled my waist, and my neck. I lifted my foot up to kick him but he grabbed it and began to tickle that too. I screamed.

"OK FINE FINE ILL TELL YOU!" He immediately stopped and sat on the bed looking pretty proud of himself. "I may or may not have a little kid inside me belly" He looked gobsmacked.

"You little slut." He said laughing to himslef. I picked up a pillow off the window seat and lobbed it at his head. "Sorry but... What did your mom say" I slumped on the bed next to him.

"Erm, she doesn't know."

"Allie, you need to tell her!"

"I know i've just never found the right moment."

"How about now?" I shook my head repeatedly. "Yes! Now seems like a great time, you go tell your mom and i'll pack your stuff."

"Do i get a choice?"

"Not unless you want to be tickled again."

"Yeah i think im gunna go talk to my mom." I sped out the door but slowed down when i got to the steps trying to prolong the trip from my room to the front room. Dad had gone to work so it was just mom. When i finally reached the bottom and opened the living room door she was sat on the couch reading the news paper. She looked like she was in a pretty good mood. I can't tell if that's a good thing or not. "Erm mom, i have to tell you something..."

"What's up hun?" Here goes nothing.

"Mommy, I'm pregnant... " She didn't say anything. "It's Louis'... I'm 5 weeks gone." More silence. "Mommy say something." She finally placed the news paper down took her glasses off and looked at me.

"Are you ready?"


"Are you ready for a baby?"

"I don't know..." I began to cry again, i wonder how much someone can cry before they're drained. She hugged me.

"You'll be Ok sweetie, Louis' a good guy, he'll help you, you know he will. And me and your dad will to, and all your friends, you wont be on your own."

"Thanks mommy, oh and Daisy's pregnant too..."

"That slut!"

"Mom! She's older than me!"

"But she's got red hair." We both laughed, wow, i didn't think she'd take it that well. I must have the best mom ever. "Now go upstairs and finish with your bags."

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too sweetie pie."

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