Chapter three: Pop's determination awake!

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Few days have passed after the event of Touma has the power to unlock the power of Brave Dragon, becoming Kamen rider Saber. Miyuki was at her home With Candy And Wollun, looking at Lion Senki and Lamp Do Alangina. "...Hey Candy... I feel bad for Pop..."

"Why you feel bad for him ~kuru?" Candy doesn't understand why.

"Because Lion Senki chose him to be his new partner. But Pop not ready for it." Miyuki sigh.

"...I think it from the fact he don't ruin his dad's legacy or scared be the one to carry on his will," Wollun explains.

"I hope so. I'm going to bed early... my vacation going end today anyway." Miyuki went back to bed.

"She must be very down going bed ~kuru..." Candy looks sad.

"Yea... what happens to that girl that I fought as Wolfrun?" Wollun looks worried.

In a dream:

"..." Miyuki notice the previous Saber at his final moment. "...Queen Miracle... I am... I fail to save your husband..." He looks at the dead body of the yellow knight, as he looks peaceful. "...My best friend... I am sorry too... but seems I will be with you soon whenever we are heading. I wish I can tell our Queen Sophia what happen to Caliburn..." He sounds sad. "...Sensei may steal our books... but there no he can go to Avalon without the other WounderBooks..." He uses all the remaining power he holds to summon many WonderBooks. "Go to my home... planet earth... and sleep until the sword of Logos knights have to awaken you!" He scatters them. "...Buster it seems I won't see you become a knight too..." He looks up, sees there was rain even though it is sunny. "...This weather... give me a nostalgic feeling of the day my king die... King Arthur whatever you are... you humble knight... Bedivere... did everything make you... proud..." He soonly fainted. His body finally gives out.

"...Bedivere?" Miyuki looks at him. Crying from the see a hero dies.

In reality:

"..." Miyuki walk up as she was still crying from the dream she has.

"...A sad dream?" Wollun as her.

"...Yea..." She gets up to see what time it. "...Funny I got up early." She tries to smiles.

"Miyuki... you want to go out for a walk?" Wollun asks her.

"Yea... maybe that can clear my head." Miyuki gets up and picks up Wollun. 'Better leave her alone." She looks at Candy as she still sleeping. She grabs her slipper and goes out. Walk around her house. "...Wollun... I have a dream of the previous red knight again. But I able to hear his name..."

"What is it?" Wollun looks at her.

"It Bedivere... as the same Bedivere serves King Arthur," Miyuki inform him. "...Do you think it possible for human able go to Märchenland?"

"No, it not... you need a fairy's help for it," Wollun explain. "...I question how that knight ends up fighting for Märchenland..."

"Maybe it not just Märchenland. Maybe other places are like Märchenland." Miyuki starts to think. "Märchenland is base on a fairy tale. So there a chance there is place base on other things too."

"Miyuki sounds like you need more sleep..." Wollun looks at her like she was crazy.

"...Yea..." Miyuki sigh, as just remember the time she when to she went to a world full of fairy tales. Along with her friend Nico. "Too bad I can't. I need to head home and get a dress." Miyuki walks back in-home while her parents still sleeping. "..." She heads up and gets dressed into her school uniform. "...I hope we can through this day." She finishes dressed. But she was depressed enough don't bother do her trademark cone-shaped buns. "...Hey Candy..." Miyuki carefully wakes her up.

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