Chapter |8| Aaron Black

Start from the beginning

I've almost forgotten what the sight of his naked body was like, but what I do remember was that it was beautiful. Every part of him was perfectly sculpted, but inside, something dark and twisted lay hidden.

"Is there a way I could boost up the forgiveness process?" Grabbing ahold of my arms, he wrapped them around his neck and ran his large hands down my body, running them around my waist and stopping to squeeze my ass.

"Perhaps we could...repeat that night?" He drawled, moving an inch closer and causing our noses to brush. "Only this time, I let you go on top." Winking, he gently slapped my ass and pulled me into him, causing his crotch to rub against my clothed pussy.

A small moan fell out of my mouth, and he thrust forward to release another.

"Fuck princess, you sound so good. I could take you right here. What do you say? Me, you, my cock buried deep inside your tight little pussy whilst I fuck you against the wall?" Tucking my hair behind my ear, he cupped my cheek and leant in so close that our lips were merely a centimetre apart.

Swerving around, I pressed my body firmly against his and tugged on his earlobe as I whispered slowly. "Never again."

I quickly pulled back and pushed past him as I stormed away. Taking a deep breath, I chose to ignore my wetness coating my inner thighs.

Another session with Sawyer needed to be scheduled and fast.

"He played us both Princess!" Aaron shouted, causing me to freeze in my steps. "He was my best friend, and he turned his back on me and just left without a word. Then I had to find out he was back from one of my guys, and that he was apart of the Mafia. He sold me out Kiara, you weren't the only who got hurt by him."

"Wow, so you know how shitty it feels to be betrayed then? Except in my case it was both of you that fucked me over." I screamed back, causing him storm over to me.

"You know if you wanna get revenge, I'm always here just call me." Pressing a piece of paper into my hand, with his number scrawled across, he smiled softly.

"I'm not going to your booty call." I shot back, preparing to crunch the paper up.

"It's not for that!" He exclaimed, before signing. "Look just call me if you want to talk, or if you're in trouble. You can call me if you wanna fuck, but no pressure okay, just call me if you want a friend."

Friends with Aaron? Could I ever be just friends with Aaron again? Or would it hurt too much?

"We used to be great friends. You're the only girl who doesn't fall on her knees for me, and beg for me to fuck her. You're strong and fiery, never lose that Princess. Here," He passed me my forgotten gun and phone that I would have stupidly left here.

"Thanks," I whispered, earning as bright smile off the devil himself.

"No problem..." He stopped suddenly and then looked as though he wanted to say something, yet couldn't find the words. " I'm sorry." He suddenly blurted out.

"What?" I stuttered. Aaron Black never apologised.

"I'm sorry for sending Tristan your way, for giving him that stupid fucking mission and for screwing up your relationship. You deserved better, than both of us. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Wow. Just wow.

Not even Tristan had given me such an apology and suddenly all my pent up anger toward Aaron slowly slid away. Moving on started to sound a lot better than revenge.

Maybe this was the start of that?

"Okay, I forgive you."

"Really?" A bright smile erupted on his face, as I nodded. He turned to walk away and then stopped suddenly.

Turning around with huge smirk plastered all over his face, he grinned. "Oh and tell Tristan to watch his back. No-one does revenge better than Aaron Black."

With that he turned the corner and disappeared out of sight. I sighed, hopefully that would be the last time I would ever encounter Aaron Black.

He made me, he made me feel nothing.

Storming back towards the dance floor, I found a very intoxicated Tessa dancing with an older man. He was running his hands up and down her waist, occasionally squeezing her arse or grabbing her boob.

I noticed how she whined in protest but he refused to leave.

Uh, were all men chauvinist pigs!

Pushing pass the mass of people, I finally made my way towards Tessa. I gripped her arm and yanked her towards me, prying her out of harm's way.

The man was about to dispute but was fed up, tired and about to seriously punch someone.

"She's 18." I spat in disgust as I dragged Tessa out of the club.

The cold chilly night hit me suddenly and I shivered underneath the bright neon light, flashing above me.

Slipping my hand into Tessa's pocket, I grabbed the keys and helped her into the car. After my altercation with Aaron, I was suddenly feeling a lot more sober, and managed to drop Tessa off, before walking back home.

The house was empty and dark when I arrived. It was barely half ten and yet everyone was in bed. My brothers had matured over the years and given up the party lifestyle in exchange for the Mafia.

They took everything seriously, maybe a bit too seriously in my eyes.

"You're back early." Tristan noted as he laid across my bed, scrolling through his phone. Rolling my eyes, I kicked off my heels and threw my phone and gun onto the bed.

"Is it now a common thing for people to sneak into my room?" I noticed how he eyed me carefully and suddenly the paper stuffed inside my bra felt a lot heavier.

If he found out about Aaron then...I wouldn't even want to think about what would happen.

What the fuck? Are you bleeding?" In the blink of an eye, he was besides me. Slowly, his fingers grazed over the blood coating my dress. When I didn't flinch in pain, he let out a small sigh of relief.

"It's not mine." Looking back up at me in confusion, he frowned.

"Kiara, what.."

"Tristan shut up. I'm fine you don't have to pretend to care." I snapped, promptly cutting him off.

Suddenly, he moved forward and pressed me up against the wall. One hand was gripping my waist and the other was besides my head, trapping me on.

He leant in close and his green eyes met my dark ones, sucking me into his trance.

"Who says I'm pretending?" I almost shivered at the deepness in his voice, and he glanced down, before looking back up.

"You look beautiful, did I tell you that today?" He pushed his growing member against me and smiled. "I should tell you that everyday. You deserve to be treated like the princess you are?"

Princess, that was what Aaron always called me. Fuck, why was I thinking of Aaron at a time like this?

"You look so beautiful, always." He muttered, tracing the contours of my upper lip. I titled my head up slightly, as an invitation for more.

He stared down at my lips for a second more and then sighed. Pulling away, he shook his head as I reached for him.

"Sweet dreams, baby-girl." And just like, that he left.

A/N: Yes!!! The first introduction to the one and only Aaron Black!

How do you guys feel about him?

About Kiara and Aaron's new found friendship?

And, how about the way Tristan turned down Kiara?

Bring a smile to my face and please press that vote button. Also feel free to write a comment, I love hearing from you guys! ❤️

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