"Mr. Kim... Mr min came to meet you... He has an appointment with you now.." Namjoon's Personal secretary suddenly opens the glass door and reminded him..

Namjoon got pissed off for her intrusion.. but he cannot postpone the meeting with mr.min since the meet is about a big deal his company going to hold with Min's firm..his father will not spare him incase of his neglecting this deal and missing it...
"Why did this idiot visited now?!" He cursed Mr.Min under his breath....he has no other choice but to leave his prey right now for the sake of meeting!! He touched his chest with one hand and rubbed it with a lustful smirk at Jin...it intimidated Jin to the core.. Jin wants to run away from here and save his dignity from this monster right now but Namjoon hands are pressing jin's shoulders tightly...

Not letting his anger effect his PA, Namjoon said, "Send Me.Min..." he sighed loudly as if he is controlling himself from doing something to Jin...
Then he released his force on Jin's shoulders..
"Ok Jin...now you can leave.. we will meet sooner... I want to 'see you' as early as possible... Don't think that we will not meet again..." Namjoon forced on the phrase 'See you' which sounded very creepy to Jin...
Jin didn't answer anything but with a flustered and ashamed red face he left Namjoon's cabin quickly...he thanked the PA in his mind for stopping Namjoon from what he was doing to him... She was at the entrance door... Jin looked at her and smiled thankfully before exiting..she smiled back to him as if she knows what happened between her boss and jin and blinked saying 'it's ok.'.. she seems to well understand her boss's flirty nature... and probably is the saviour of lives! Jin thought.. Jin wondered as how she is able to manage things under such toxic boss..
Once he left the premises....
He has decided not to visit his office ever, and continued to deal any business dealings with Namjoon's firm only over a phone call since then...

End of flashback..

After almost 7 months, now he sees that person in the dinner who has not changed a bit!!
Jin wants this dinner to end soon... He doesn't want to sit in front of that monster who is fucking him and eating mentally along with the food...
"Mr. Jeon... My buddy Jungkook is lucky to have such beautiful husband..." He playfully patted Jungkook shoulders who sat on his right side while looking at Jin who sat next to Jungkook...
Jungkook was irritated since he knows the intension if Namjoon but he calmed himself down for the sake of his father...

but Mr.Jeon being oblivious to Namjoon's behaviour, been quite accomodating and welcoming to all the compliments of Namjoon for his son in law, revealed something unexpected...
" Not only that, Jin is very hard working Mr.Kim! You remember? It was him who impressed you so much that you signed the two million dollars' contract with our firm a few months ago? " He said..

Jin almost chocked on his food.. he new that Namjoon signed a contract with his company but never new that the reason was Jin...On the other hand, Jungkook couldn't believe what he heard from his father... he never new that Namjoon knows Jin since long time... the idea of Namjoon signing a contract by getting impressed by Jin has infuriated Jungkook so much... it escalated some wrong thought that he wants to use it against jin now.. he looked at Jin angrily.. his gaze brought shivers in the spine of Jin...he could sense what was going on in Jungkook's mind...
"You thought you could escape from me Jin?" Namjoon pinned Jin to the bathroom wall....
"Sir...nam.. Namjoon... Leave me alone... What are you doing?" With widened and panicked eyes Jin tried to get rid of Namjoon's hands...
"Stop moving.. and listen... I know that Jungkook doesn't like you.. he is my best buddy... He loves my brother Jimin and wants to marry him...that's why he came with the idea of marriage contract..." Jins eyes grew bigger in shock from what he heard.... without giving him time for even to think about what he said,
Namjoon suddenly kissed and sucked on Jin's soft neck roughly...Jin whinced in disgustion and whimpered in pain... the strong grip of the monster didn't let him move at all...
A few minutes ago, Jin came to use washroom to feel lightened up from the tension that was created due to his father in law's words.. the atmosphere was so heavy that Jin needed space to breath...he excused himself and left the dining table... But he didn't expect Namjoon to chase him to the rest room too!! How dare he, that he behaves like this at his husband's place!!! Jin was astounded...
"Why do you act as if you don't know me Jin? are you scared of me? I have not done anything to you yet... then what scares you so much about me?" He wickedly smiled at Jin...
"But you know what Jin?after you left my office on that day, I couldn't forget you....I was desperate to get you in one or the other way... But unfortunately, Jungkook got you...but don't worry....I am not disappointed yet...I am not that sort of person who will give up easilybon something I desire desperately...I will surely get what I want.. and now I want you... I want you at any cost.....I want these plump lips to suck on me soon...I want this beautiful body beneath me begging me to be rough.. I want you to chant my name under me... remember it is going to happen soon....and don't assume that you are safe from me because you married to Jungkook...not even Mr.Jeon will save you from me... No one in this world... " Namjoon snapped on Jin's lips lightly and left from there with a devil grin, without giving him a chance to react...
Jin couldn't believe what he heard now or what happened with him now....he just dropped on the floor on his knees...
"What a monster Namjoon is!! Why does he prey me like this? What have I done wrong to him?! Why does he threatens me? What he wants from me? What will happen if Jungkook of his father in law knows about Namjoon's intentions about me?! What will happen to my life if this evil shade of Namjoon engulfs me? I am already in a challenging life due to the marriage contract.. now what is this new challenge?! What sin have I committed that I am getting into such painful life?! how can I live my life with a husband like Jungkook in this stress while fearing this monster who seem to be his family friend? Will Jungkook believe if I reveal Namjoon's intentions? Or will he suspect me for no mistake of mine?" Jin couldn't think straight..his heart is pounding and thumping hard... He wanted to cry loudly.. he remembered his mother, father and Sejun.. he wants to embrace them... He wants to feel safe from all sorts of misery taking place in his life from the past few hours...

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