TVD: S3E64 - DO Not Go Gentle

Start from the beginning

"You look hot" he tells me and I giggle. "How's our princess?" he asks as he takes Adrianna from me.

"She is doing well, but I really am not happy about leaving her for a couple of hours. But Caroline insists I need to celebrate" I tell him. His mum appears and takes Adrianna. I give her the diaper bag. "If you have any trouble, please call" I tell her.

"I will, you two go have fun" she tells us.

"I'll give you a ride" Tyler tells me. I smile and we get into his truck. He drives us to the school. We enter the gym. To see the party is in full swing in the gym hall with lots of students dancing to the music, including Bonnie and Jamie. "Save me a dance?" he asks me.

"Of course, I'm gonna go say hi to Bonnie. Good luck with Caroline" I tell him. I leave him and had over to Bonnie. "Hey Bon, are you going to introduce us?" I ask.

"We've already meet Elena" the guy says. Bonnie and I giggle. "What?" he asks us confused.

"Remember when I told about Elena's twin sister? Did I forget to say she's an identical twin?" Bonnie asks him.

"Alexis Gilbert, pleasure to meet you" I say smiling as I shake his hand.

"Jamie Wilson" he says.

"I'll leave you two to continue dancing, have fun" I tell them. They smile and I leave them. They go back to dancing. Matt walks over to me.

"Since we're both dateless and are friends. Want a dance?" he asks me. I nod my head accepting his hand. We start to dance to the upbeat jazz music. Soon a slow song starts and Tyler cuts in.

"Where's Caroline?" I ask him curious.

"Dancing with Klaus" he grumbles.

"Sorry, I know you hate seeing her with him" I say. "Do you think Adrianna is ok?" I ask him. I know we haven't been here long. But I miss her already.

"I'm sure she's fine" he assures me. "Remember mum would call if there was a problem" he tells me. "You're doing so well with her, I couldn't ask for a better mother for my little princess" he states and I smile.

"You're wonderful with her also, you're such a devoted father. I'm proud your her father" I tell him. He smiles down at me. "I'm gonna call your mum, I have a bad feeling and just want to make sure Adrianna is ok" I tell him.

"Ok, see you soon" he says and kisses my had. I smile and go outside. I call Carol.

"Alexis are you having fun?" she asks us as she answers the phone.

"Yes, how is Adrianna?" I ask her.

"She is fine, Alaric just picked her up" she tells me.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"He said you said it was ok and that he'd be at his apartment" she tells me.

"I never said he could baby sit her!" I tell her. "I have to find her" I say and hang up. I call Ric. "Where is my daughter?" I demand.

"Nice to hear from you Alexis, we're at old cemetery. If you want her, come and get her" he tells me. I growl and run to Tyler's car. I grab the spare key and drive to the cemetery. I arrive and start to look for my daughter and hear her cries. I run to it and arrive at the Salvatore tomb. I find her and pick her up holding her close.

"I'm never leaving you again princess, lets get you home" I tell her.

"Afraid you both can't leave just yet" Alaric states as he appears from inside the tomb. With Esther and Elena.

Alexis Gilbert: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now