TVD: S2E24 - Brave New World

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Alexis' POV

Elena, Bonnie and I are walking through school to help set things up for the carnival. While talking about Katherine. "Katherine looked just like you both, it was freakish" Bonnie tells Elena.

"She is our ancestor" Elena tells her.

"Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you both like a family member would. She was you" Bonnie states.

"Not a very good us" I tell her chuckling.

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got" Elena states.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be one of you?" Bonnie asks us.

"Since I've gone back to short hair, she can only pretend to be Elena by straightening her hair. I won't be fooled by her" I state. "Besides we could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing" I tell her.

"Or you could get these prizes to the ring toss" Elena tells. She takes the clip board of chores and leaves me with Bonnie.

"Have you talk to Damon since he killed Jeremy or tried to kill Jeremy?" Bonnie asks me.

"No I haven't and neither has Elena. Neither of us want to talk about Damon or anything vampire related" I tell her. "We are human and we have to do human stuff. Otherwise, we both are going to go crazy" I state.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Caroline proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this" Bonnie states.

"Easy, she's not human" I tease and she chuckles.

"So where did Elena go?" she asks me.

"No doubt to find Stefan and give him his marching orders" I chuckle. "We should get these prizes to the ring toss or we'll face her wrath" I tell her. She agrees and we head for the ring toss. "So any word on when Caroline will be released?" I ask her.

"Tomorrow morning, after the carnival. She's probably going crazy wondering if we've set everything up properly" she states.  I giggle nodding my head in agreement.

(Night time)

The carnival is well on the way and everything is going perfectly. Aside from the karaoke machine being on the frights. Elena and I are walking through the carnival with Bonnie admiring our handiwork. "The ring toss is out of Bart and Homer dolls and Team Jacob T's" Bonnie tells us.

"Okay, I can grab some from the science club" Elena states.

"Also we lost a speaker in the karaoke room" I add.

"Hey, all good Alexis and Elena, take a beat, look around. This is a huge success" Bonnie tells us. I look around and smile she's right.

"You mean I can do more than just freak vampire havoc?" Elena asks.

"Go figure" Bonnie and I say laughing. Elena looks at a man who is repairing one of the stands

"Hey, Carter, right? You're with the carnival?" Elena asks him.

"That'd be me" he says smiling.

"Okay great" Elena and I say smiling.

"Wow, what do you need beautiful?" Carter asks looking at Bonnie. Who blushes slightly.

"What do you know about karaoke speakers?" Bonnie asks me smiling.

"Why don't you show me the problem?" he suggests.

"Yeah Bon" I say smiling.

"Show him the problem" Elena agrees also smiling.

"Ok, come on" Bonnie says and leads him away. Elena and I share a high five, before continuing to enjoy the carnival.

Alexis Gilbert: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now