TVD: S4E68 - Memorial

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Alexis' POV

It's been a week since Elena and I became vampires. I am going well on my blood bag diet. Stefan tried to get me on the animal blood diet with Elena. But I wanted to be strong to protect my daughter and I'm stronger with human blood. Elijah hooked me up with a blood supplier. Which I am grateful for. I haven't seen him much, I feel like he is avoiding me.

Elena and I have been staying at the boarding house. But I will be moving back into my apartment soon. Once the other person on the lease invites me in. I just wanted to master my control first before going back there.

Anyway Adrianna is doing well on formula. She sleeps most nights, thank god. Tyler stayed in town and had her on the weekend. But I got her back last night and today there is a memorial for those who died on Pastor Young's ranch. Apparently there was some sort of explosion. Twelve people died, but at least we are safe again and don't have to leave town.

I go downstairs holding Adrianna, who is dress in black for the memorial. To see Damon drinking. "Let me guess, you and Stefan argued about Elena's diet again" I say.

"Yep. I say rip off the proverbial band-aid and let it bleed. You both are a vampires, she needs to be one" he states.

"I sort of agree, but you can't control her life Damon. If she wants to be on the bunny diet, let her" I tell him. "I am going to see Jeremy and Matt. See you at the memorial" I state and leave the house. I go to my car and strap Adrianna into her car seat. Then drive to the school.

I arrive safely and strap Adiranna to my chest. I then walk over to Jeremy and Matt. Who are talking to a young girl, she looked to be in her early teens. "Oh my god, is that you April?" I ask shocked as I join the group.

"Elena" she says with a smile.

"Wrong twin" I tell her.

"Sorry, who this little bundle?" she asks me curious.

"My daughter Adrianna" I tell her proudly. "Think you'd be up for baby sitting in future?" I ask her.

"Of course" she says. "Who's the dad?" she asks me.

"Tyler is actually, but we aren't together. I'll tell you all about it later" I tell her.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry about your dad" Jeremy tells her.

"Thank you. I guess. I sort of don't know how to answer when people say that" April says.

"I felt the same way when our parents died" I tell her.

"Your dad was Pastor Young, right?" Matt asks her.

"He had the faulty gas line" she says awkwardly. "Sorry, I haven't figured out what to say about that yet either. Wow, I am being a freak. Um...I'm just, you know, not much for grief, I guess. I have to go register or something, I think" she mumbles before walking away.

"The lanterns?" I ask the boys.

"Right, here is your box" Matt says handing it to me. I put it in my car. When I get a call from Caroline, apparently Tyler had been shot by a vampire hunter. So I drive to the Boarding house and race inside with Adrianna.

"Tyler, are you ok?" I ask him as I hug him after handing Adrianna to Care.

"I'm ok" he assures me as we pull away. Caroline hands him Adrianna as Stefan examines one of the bullets he'd pulled out of Tyler.

"He's lucky, had he been a normal vampire. He'd be dead" Stefan states.

"This guy knew what he was doing. His gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one" Tyler states.

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