TVD: S2E42 - Last Day

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Alexis' POV

I'm preparing to go see my parents graves to tell them about my first ultrasound. Leaving Elena to deal with Klaus with the others. Today is baby and me day. Suddenly my phone rings and I answer it. "Alexis speaking" I say.

"Miss Gilbert, Mrs Lockwood has suffered a terrible fall and is in hospital" the person tells me.

"I'm on my way" I tell the person and hang up. I grab my purse and car keys, I run outside locking the door. I drive to the hospital and go to the reception desk. "Alexis Gilbert, I'm here to see Carol Lockwood" I tell the nurse.

"Room 10, ward b" she tells me. I nod my head and run there. When I enter I see Tyler there holding his mother's hand.

"Tyler" I say in shock.

"Lexis" he says and hugs me. "How are you? How's the baby?" he asks and I slap him. "Yeah, I deserve that" he says rubbing his cheek.

"Anyway the baby is perfectly healthy and due mid November. You had better be there" I tell him.

"Don't worry, I won't leave again" he assures me.

"Tyler? Alexis?" Carol says.

"Mum" Tyler says taking her hand and I stand behind him. He kisses her forehead.

"You're back" she says weakly.

"I'm back" he confirms smiling. Carol soon falls asleep. So Tyler and I decide to go get a bite to eat. But when left the room Jules walks up to us.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here?" I ask Tyler annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler asks her just as surprised as I am.

"I should be asking you that. I told you not to come" Jules tells him.

"This is his home, he belongs here" I tell her.

"She's my mother. I had to and I had to check on my unborn baby" he tells her.

"Now we have to get out of here; Lock ourselves up before tonight" she tells him.

"I'll walk you guys out" I tell them. We go outside and head for the parking lot. When Caroline appears.

"Tyler? Jules? Alexis" she says surprised.

"I'll give you a few minutes" Jules states and goes to the car.

"She's just making sure I'm safe" he tells us.

"So what, are you two, like, friends now?" Caroline asks him.

"She's been helping me. How are you?" Tyler asks her.

"I heard about your mum, I came to check on her and see Alexis" Caroline tells him.

"She's banged up, but she'll be okay" I assure her.

"How's everything with you?" she asks Tyler.

"I'm hanging in there" he tells her.

"Good" she says smiling.

"Yeah. I should get going. Jules and I need to get on the road" he tells us.

"You said you wouldn't leave again" I remind him.

"I left for a reason, Alexis" he tells me.

"Your explanation must have got lost in the mail, along with your goodbye" Caroline tells him hotly.

"Well...Take care of yourself" he tells us. Suddenly Caroline holds her head and screams. A moment later so does Tyler.

"Caroline! Tyler!" I shout kneeling beside them in worry. A man appears from behind a car with this hand outstretched in a claw pointed at Tyler. A young woman appears behind Caroline and goes to injectvervain into her. "No, leave her alone!" I shout and I go to tackle her. But I'm grabbed from behind and a something pricks my neck.

Alexis Gilbert: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now