11. Gary

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Ryker ^^ top models name is Hagen Richter

“Is it me or do you seem like you’re glowing?” I heard one of my colleagues say.

“If you must know I just came from vacation. It was much needed.” I said and got up from my desk. 

“Well it’s well deserved I’ll be honest. No one deserves it more than you and the team agrees with your talents and devotion to the hospital. How was it?” I get he was happy for me but something doesn’t seem right here. 

“What are you going on about? And It was fine.” I glared at him but smiled. 

“Nothing? I was being genuine, the team has been worried about you for a while now. It’s good to see you looking brighter and not so depressed.” He said looking a bit nervous. Well now I just feel like an ass. 

“Well I appreciate the concern. I’m sorry for snapping.” I said and we did our rounds and looked at files to discuss current patient treatment plans. 

All day I couldn't focus or chill out. Was it because I was becoming more protective of Brent? It's been that way since we've come home. Even Altan has changed, he won't let anyone near him unless he's there to protect him. 

"I'm home…" I called out. Where is everyone? I don't smell a thing. No one was here. 

When I was about to go look around for my mates, I almost walked into them and Caleb. 
"There you guys are." I hugged my mates tight as I inhaled their scent. 

"Well it seems you were right Altan." I heard Caleb say. 

"It's been like this the whole time since the four of us mated before Joseph left. We've been overprotective of both him and Brent. Neither are pregnant so could it be that our hormones are still high?" Altan asked his dad. I was curious to know myself. 

"Well it could be. The fact is that now that you're complete after so long it makes sense your hormones are high. I know when my mates and I mated finally we did our best to stay that way. There's also the fact Joseph doesn't live on pack lands so his loss is making you get all protective. How was your vacation anyway?" 

"The vacation was perfect and exactly how I envisioned it." Altan said with a wide smile. 

"I still don't have proper feeling in my legs. Last time I let you and Gary take me at the same time. Even if it didn't happen on vacation." Brent groaned as he eased into the living room couch. 

"You're the one that wanted to be adventurous." I teased and smirked. 

"Best but worst decision of my life." He moaned as he eased himself down in a more comfortable position. 

"You love us though so shush." Altan laughed. 

"You're not wrong about that." He chuckled but groaned. 

He's such a bad boy in the best ways. He deepthroated Joseph while Altan and I took his ass. He was literally hurting from both ends. 

"I'm going to get out of here before y'all do the nasty and I'm scarred for life." Caleb said and like that he was gone. 

When we knew he wasn't coming back for anything we took Brent to bed so he could rest. It's been a few days and he's still hurting. 

"We're not having sex for a year." Brent huffed out. We said we were sorry. 

"Do you think we should make him dinner in bed?" Altan asked in our link and looked at me. 

"It's the least we can do." I said and we cuddled with our mate. 

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin