1. Altan

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This is literally right after Altan rejected Brent at the end of RIC. 

As soon as I stepped foot out of the cells, I fell to my knees holding my chest as I felt a sharp pain shoot through me. Papa wrapped his arms around my shoulders and legs and picked me up. I clutched onto him like I was a little boy who was afraid of my visions again and sobbed into his neck as he held me as close to him as he possibly could. 

Papa is the only one who understands how I feel right now. The circumstances are different but the pain is the same. I looked up into his eyes and I noticed he had tears in them, something I have hardly seen from my strong papa. I cried even more seeing him crying for me. 

"Shh hush now baby boy, don't go thinking like that and be hurt because of my crying. I love you so much and am hurting because you are. I'm not going to let you suffer like I did because we didn't realize why it was killing me until it was almost too late. Give me a little bit of time to arrange with Zander to see if we can send Brent to their pack cells because I don't want you to be alone right now. Are you ok with that? At least until the worst is over." Papa said and all I could do was nod once and hold onto him more as he walked us into my childhood home.

He carried me to his bedroom and mama was there already with some food, clean clothes for me, and medicine in a needle, to help me sleep I'm sure.

"Come on my little mud monster, eat something and we'll help you with a bath and we can cuddle when you're done." 

"Mama I'm not a little boy anymore, I don't need help with a bath." I said and mama rolled their eyes and Gary smiled while holding my hand.

"It's because your family loves you, they want to take care of you even if you are an adult. It's a pack thing you know this. I can help if you want." He winked and papa shook his head and smiled at Gary.

"No, not like that and not so soon you horn ball." Mommy Vince joked as he helped papa take my clothes off except my briefs and sat me on the bed once they were done.

"I'll go run your bath while you eat and your papa is going to NM to go talk to Zander and Julian about Brent." Mama said and I slowly ate my food as the water filled the tub and the air smelt like lavender and vanilla, which ironically is Brent's scent. 

"Pl...please change t...the water and s...scent. I can't...can't handle it." I begged as I felt like I was going to rip my heart out from the sudden pain. Mama quickly shut the bathroom door and papa Eric picked me up and took me out of the room and into mine instead and dad Nathan started the water in my bathroom tub for me and chamomile filled the air and it was much better to smell than what was in my parents room.

Once I was done eating finally, I went to the bathroom with Gary's help and he got into the tub with me and I sat in between his legs with my back to his chest. Amar was in a deep sleep, after the past year and a half plus the rejection, he is on the brink of insanity if one more thing hurts us. 

"I know you're in pain Altan and are going through the worst thing imaginable so just know I'm here for you. You know I was rejected and my mate died so I didn't get the chance to rekindle our bond and it will always be a regret of mine. I love you just like I have even before I found my mate and over the years that love grew so deep within my heart for you that I can't stand the thought of you being hurt in any way. Now that being said, don't let your mate go, not without fighting to make it work. I know what he did is unforgivable and has hurt a lot of people but he is your mate. You were made to be mates for a reason that is unknown, just like with all of us. I'm not saying I'm leaving you, no I love you so much Altan, I just want you to have a chance to at least try to work things out with Brent. If you have done all that you could and don't end up together, you can say 'it wasn't because we didn't try'. He is stuck with the both of us because like I said, I'm not leaving you and I love you." Gary said as he was rubbing my shoulders and upper chest, comforting me with his soft touch and sweet voice. 

"Right now I can't think about that, I just need some time Gary. I understand all you said, believe me. I have heard lots of stories from my family growing up about rejection and what it can do. Some got back together and some didn't. All I need right now is you and my family to get through this. I love you too Gary, thank you for being in my life and loving someone like me." I said and kissed his hand that was intertwined with mine. 

"Someone like you? You mean an amazing, handsome, sweet, caring, sexy, wonderful man? It's no problem." He grinned and I sighed softly looking into his beautiful eyes. 

"If you say so." I replied and yawned, feeling drained from these past months and from today.

"Come on let's get you to bed." He helped me up and washed my hair and body under the shower really quickly before he washed himself. We got out and dried off, got dressed and went into my room and my parents were all waiting on me. 

"Come on baby boy, get into bed and Doc Balwin will give you a shot to help you sleep. Also I talked to Julian and all them, they said they will have a cell ready for Brent. If you still want to do that." Papa said and I got into bed and Gary laid down beside me and I closed my eyes as the doc gave me the shot.

"Yes, take him away. I need time and having him here isn't going to do me any good." I said and everyone left except papa and mama. They both laid down on the bed with Gary and I.

"We all love you." Papa's words are the last thing I heard before sleep overtook and I was in lala land in no time. 

I woke up a few hours later to Kody in bed instead of Gary, mama, and papa.

"Hey there." He whispered when my eyes landed on his face.

"Hey. Where is everyone and what time is it?" 

"Well it's actually two in the morning and Gary went with Caleb to take Brent to NM so I was asked to stay with you until they got back. How are you doing?" He asked as he brushed my hair from my eye. 

"Numb, I feel numb and also hurt and I feel betrayed that the moon Goddess gave me someone like Brent as my mate." 

"I understand. You remember what all I went through and have seen first hand how I was and you were there for me, when I wasn't in hiding and even before I left and came back so Altan, I'll be here for you, no matter what. We are family, best friends thicker than thieves so we will get through this, together." He said and touched my cheek, wiping off fallen tears that I didn't even know were there. 

He pulled me into his arms and I cried into his chest with his arms around me, rubbing my back until my sobs exhausted me to the point of going to sleep.

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now