15. Gary

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I opened my eyes to the sounds of crying and no Brent next to me. I looked at the clock and saw it was three A.M. I got out of bed and looked around for Brent only to find him in the closet on a pile of blankets and pillows and two blankets up to his chin and him curled in a ball.

The lightning and thunder were roaring outside causing the room to light up and the windows to vibrate and the room was cool.

This isn't the first time we found him like this, in fact it's become a normal thing for Brent. His trauma from being kidnapped has taken its toll on him, a lot more than he's led on. 

He doesn't even go to work anymore, he's afraid he'll be taken again and I understand his fear. I just don't want it to consume his life. He doesn't want to go out on dates, see anyone even inside the house, he doesn't even want to talk about what happened to him either. 

I know he told us once but he didn't actually tell us what all happened, what they did in detail and I know I shouldn't want to know that but it isn't for me to know, it's for Brent to be able to talk about it and try to start to move on, even a little bit. 

"It's ok Brent, you're going to be ok." I whispered as I got on my knees and tried to get close to him but he shuddered and whimpered, clutching the blankets tightly in his hands. His eyes wide and held so much fear and unshed tears as he looked around nonstop, looking for anything that can harm him. 

"Nothing is going to happen to you Brent, you are safe here." I tried again but he kept shaking and whimpering.

"Nowhere is safe. I was on pack lands at work and was still taken so nowhere is safe. Nowhere is safe." He kept repeating himself and I sighed softly. 

"It's my punishment for every single thing I have done. What the pack did is nothing compared to what they did. What happened to me is my fault, I hunted and killed and got to be happy for a bit but now it seems that happiness is gone and I'm left to live with what happened to me and to remember all what I had done to others. After I have the baby, I'm leaving. I'm going to reject you guys and leave. I can't live here around the very creatures I hurt and face that hell everyday so by the time next month is here, you'll all be rid of me. Don't try to change my mind, it won't work. I see the way everyone looks at me, I see the looks I get from Kody, I see his kids and I'm reminded that I hurt him and took eighteen months of his life with his mates and kids, I did that. I caused so many people so much pain that I can't live with it any longer, especially here. Please just let me go. The only one who is my true mate is Altan so he will feel more pain so you need to be there for him to help him through it, let me go and heal him. I'm also going to move into a guest house to get us used to being apart from one another so it will be easier when I do leave. I love you three but I can't do this anymore, I can't. I feel like I'm losing my mind every second of the day and being here isn't helping. I'll ask someone to help move my stuff tomorrow when I'm at work so I won't see you again until the baby is born. I'm going to go lay on the couch and get some rest." He got up and walked past me as I'm stunned to my spot, replaying what he said. I heard the door shutting and that's when I got up and woke Altan to tell him what Brent said.

"Let's give him some time, he went through a lot and it's making him relive what he did and it's hitting him hard so just give him some time. He will be fine. Maybe giving him space is the best thing we can do for him right now."

"And him rejecting us, you?"

"If he does I will accept it. If he's hurting as much as you say, I can't force him to stay here, that will be selfish of me to do. We love him and want him to be happy and healthy so if him leaving is what will make him happy, so be it. He's my mate, he and I are meant to be together so I have faith we will be in the end." 

"How are you so calm about this?! He said he's leaving after having the baby, are you going to let him take your child with him?!" I asked rather upset at the thought of the baby being taken from us as well.

"Yes, I will. I'd do anything to make Brent happy and if leaving and taking our child with him makes him happy, I'm fine with that. Do you honestly think I won't have people watching out for him? He may leave but he won't be alone. This is something he needs to do Gary. He needs to work through all this without us being around and breathing down his neck. You must have faith in him and know we will be ok, it will take time but we will be." I didn't like this one bit, if Brent wants to leave fine but taking his and Altans baby? No that isn't going to happen. 

"Stop, you will not get in the way of him doing this Gary, we don't even know if he plans on taking the baby. One step at a time." 

"Do you honestly think him rejecting you and leaving us is the best thing for him and for you? You have to fight for him to show him you do want him that you do love him!" I was getting pissed that he is just willing to let Brent hurt him and leave!

"Of course not Gary! I don't want him to break my heart and rip apart my soul but I will endure that pain for him because that's how much I love him and want him to be healthy and happy. If being here hurts him to the point where he feels trapped then I have to let him go. I'm sure there are ways for him to reject me and not harm us both. With so many of us and the powers we all have and access to spells, I'm sure there is a way. Now let's talk about this later. He's still here and has a month before our son is born so let's not stress over this right now. Go back to sleep and I'll go check on Brent. I love you." He kissed me and left the room. I laid down and Joseph was looking at me. 

"It'll all be ok." He whispered and pulled me into his arms.

I hope it all will be ok, especially for Altan and Brent's sake. 

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now