2. Brent

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"Baby what do you want to do when you grow up?" I asked my girlfriend, Riley as we were laying in the grass, her head on my chest, my hand running through her long blonde hair. Her blue eyes shined when she looked up at me. We were seventeen years old.

"I want to be your wife, have at least three kids, two boys and a little girl, she's the youngest. Have a home in the country and you take care of the farm and I'll take care of the gardens and cook for all of you. Sit on the rocking chairs on the front porch as we watch our eight grandchildren run around the yard and play just as our children had done over the years. I want a life with you, I don't want fancy things, I don't need them. I only need and want you when I grow up." She kissed my chin and my hold on her tightened as I saw all what she said play out in my mind.

Her vision of our life sounded perfect but that vision ended the moment she was killed, by monsters and from that moment on, no monster was safe. 

I vowed that night to end the supernatural existence because if they can kill someone just because, they have no humanity in themselves and they need to die. 

I grew up as a hunter, was taught how to kill the many different species and what harms them to get them to talk. My mom and dad had taught me since I was four years old, the year after my little brother Morgan and grandparents were on a hike and never came home. My grandparents were found dead and my little brother was nowhere to be found. 

Mom and dad said my grandparents died from a wolf attack and since, they taught me every strategy, tactic, poisonous thing to either shoot, inject, or throw and they breathe it in when it explodes on the ground. I was taught hand to hand combat, how to use a knife, a gun, a bow, throw daggers and silver stars, you name it, it was taught to me. 

My little brother Chase was oblivious to the world which he should have been. When he found out what our family did, he left us behind to go live his life and hasn't been home since he left.

He and I were close when we were younger, he looked up to me and always wanted to do everything I did. I loved being around him, he was a ball of energy and made me smile and laugh with how silly and carefree he always was. 

When I found him with wolves, my heart broke into a million pieces because I didn't want to lose him like I lost Riley. He was mated to killers and monsters. I had decided at that moment to kill them so I warned him to not be there because I didn't want him to die in the crossfire. 

What I didn't expect was for this massive wolf to attack me when he saw that I had my gun trained on a man who was a tiger shifter. I had assumed the wolf was the tigers mate so when I found out the tiger was actually my mate, I was sick to my stomach. 

No way in hell am I going to be with a monster let alone a guy. I have no problem with gay people, hell Chase is a walking fucking rainbow since he was a kid but I'm straight. I have always loved women, inside and out. 

I learned some unexpected news being here, one Morgan is alive and is a wolf himself so why my parents had a pup as a kid to pretend he was our brother was a question I wouldn't get an answer to. Also they are the reason why Riley died. They had paid some random wolves to kill her because they didn't like that she was a good hearted person and wanted a life with me. They were scared she would pull me out of the hunter life and she was, she made me not want to hunt and to have a good life with her, to give her what she wanted when she told me that night under the stars. 

Has what I have been taught all my life one big lie? 

After a year and a half, Kody finally woke up from the silver and wolfsbane that was in his system. Everyone was happy and relieved he woke up. I was waiting on what Altan was going to say to me when he walked into the cells but it had to wait since Kody woke up.

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now