9. Altan

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The past two weeks have been alright. All three of my beautiful mates have been here, and we have spent a lot of time together. Brent is still making strides to prove himself as an ally and I’m forever grateful that the pack is slowly coming around but not entirely. Joseph is being Joseph and trying as hard as he can to make up for lost time for all the months he missed with us and Gary has become Switzerland. He’s completely removed himself from the madness that is the mound of pent-up emotions.

“Well don’t you look happy.” Kody said wiggling his eyebrows, and I bit my lip. Was it that obvious?

“I wouldn’t say that.” I said, looking out at the forest beyond the pack. Even if things seemed perfect, they’re not. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked, walking up next to me and sat down, turning his attention to me.

“It’s Gary, he’s having a hard time with Brent and Joseph. Although in no way shape or form I blame him, it’s just putting a strain on the bond y’know? It just sucks. I love them all so much and Amar wants things to work out, but I told him we can’t push them. It’s not our right to force our mates to get along.” I sighed and joined Kody on the swing on the patio. 

“Maybe you should go on vacation. Look, Brent, being here influences us all, especially those of us with our own demons. I myself know it will take more than three months for everything to work out with the pack and Brent alone. I lost a year and a half of bonding time with my kids. I missed all of Amilia's firsts and missed Dexter waking up. I missed so much with everyone because of Brent. So while I’m being civil with him, it’s going to be a while before I can forgive him let alone trust him.” He said and hurt could be seen in his eyes at the thought of his mates going through hell and kids for so long. 

I understand, I really do. It's my own mate for goodness sake and it hurts to know what he has done even if it was some witch but also not. I'm not going to believe it was all the witch, he knew what he was doing before them and after Riley died. I'm not an idiot, I know it's going to take a lot of work and time before I can trust and forgive him. 

“I get it, I do. All this is just so confusing and stressful. I’m just so done.” I’m a God, I should be able to handle this but I ugh…

“We’re a pack, we’ll get through it together. Go be with your mates, get packed and just go. Don’t even worry about where you’re going, make it a weekend road trip. I'm your best friend, you were there for me at my lowest point as I was with you and it will always be that way. So take my advice and go away for a weekend, no communication with anyone but each other and no TV. Use that time to connect with your mates, spend one on one time with each and as a whole. It will do wonders for your bonds individually and as a whole, trust me." He smiled. I trusted him with my life, he’s like a brother to me. He’s so much wiser and it helps when I get like this. He's mine, no one else can have my Kody.

“I’ll do it, thank you Kody. Are you hungry?” I asked after we hugged, I missed him so much.

“I am kinda, what are y’all having?” He asked. 

"I have no idea. Brent likes to cook when he's off work. He said it helps him relax. He's a pretty good cook. How are my niece and nephews?" I asked and he smiled a bright smile. 

"Wonderful. Dexter wants to try out for soccer and Corey along with Amilia are just all over the place. I'm so relieved she's ok and is doing so much better. You have no idea how scared I was all the time with her. Seeing her running and playing, eating normally is just something I didn't see happening honestly. I hate myself for even thinking that she wouldn't make it but look at her now. She is so strong and has done so much more than I thought possible. Dexter, he's thriving in school and has so many friends and is such a loving kid. He knows that I adopted Amilia and we talked things out about how he feels about it, why he left her like he did and even though he gave birth to her, he said he will gladly take on the role of a big brother instead of the mama role. We will tell her the truth when she gets older but for now things are good the way they are. I never did ask but how did you end up with three mates exactly?"  I love hearing him talk about his kids, he has so much love for them that it's a little overwhelming and I can feel how happy and relieved he is.

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now