Back in London

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Solais grinned as she stepped out of the Tardis. It had been so long since she'd seen Sherlock, let alone visit 'the present'. She had, of course, visited John and Mrs. Hudson on occasion, but it just wasn't the same without him.

Mycroft tossed her a tight lipped smile as the Tardis disappeared. "Courtney."

"Mycroft. Where is he?"

"Down the hall to the left."

Courtney nodded her thanks, causing her long curly hair to bounce as she sought out the man she waited centuries for.  She smiled as she ran to him. Her slender arms wrapped him in a hug before they snaked around his neck as she kissed him.

He let a a slightly pained chuckle. "Hello love."

Her warm eyes scanned his before a murderous expression passed over her face. "Show me."

Sherlock winced slightly as he unbuttoned his dress shirt and turned around. Solais gingerly reached out to touch his open wounds. His breath hitched as her hands started to glow and warmth washed over him. "You shouldn't have down that, I would've been fine."

She ignored his statement. "It's fine, really. Mycroft said he intervened ."

Sherlock started to utton up his shirt again. "Mycroft lied." The words were spat out, almost as if they were acid.

"He does that a lot, doesn't he?" She reached forwards to intertwine their fingers, her thumb brushing against his tanner skin. "Come on then. Let's go home."

The two curly haired geniuses practically refused to part until Sherlock said he wanted to surprise John. The time lady hung back, having already predicted the back lash. She happily greeted them when security ushered them out, her blue eyes lingering on Mary for a moment too long. Sherlock's eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion but that was brushed aside as Solais started to inspect him for new wounds.

The four of them found themselves at a table of another restaurant not more than ten minutes later. Sherlock's rambling was cut off by John.


"Because Moriarty has to be stopped." Solais nudged him and realization passed over Sherlock's face. "Oh. Why I waited so long to tell you."

"Yes. I want to know why I had to find out from your girlfriend!"

The time lady narrowed her eyes. "John, keep your voice down. You'll get us kicked out again and I'm starved. Knowing Sherlock, he probably is too."

He inhaled sharply at her request but obliged to the best of his ability. "I just want to know why, Sherlock."

Sherlock pursed his lips as Solais offered him a chip. Despite not caring for the greasy food, he accepted it anyways. "It was Mycroft's idea. Your reaction needed to be genuine."

The ex-army Doctor gritted his teeth. "So I've heard."

Mary's face lit up. "He'd need a confidant."

The time lady's eyes flickered to Mary, once again lingering for what felt like a moment too long.

They know each other, Sherlock noted. The time lady seemed slightly wary of the blonde's presence, almost as if she was questioning Mary's intentions. He was certain they would share a private conversation later. If Solais was certain Mary was a threat, she would've made a move by now.

John and Mary eventually left, leaving the consulting detective and the Time Lady alone, their hands interlocked. Sherlock cleared his throat. "So, how do you know Mary?"

Solais hummed slightly in response. "We used to work together. I suppose you could say we didn't part on the best of terms , but she's nice."

Grinning widely, she nudged Sherlock with her shoulder. "Come on then, let's go home."

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