The two detectives

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Third person: 

Courtney Moriarty stood facing a wall, notes and article clippings pinned to the wall. Ideas run through her head at speeds that could rival the Flash. 

The ringing of her phone interrupts her thoughts. Ah yes. She had been expecting a phone call for some time. 

"Courtney Moriarty; Scotland yard. I'm assuming you're calling about the murder of Mr. John Evens."  

"That I am." The voice on the other end of the line was gruff, and it was safe to assume that he hadn't gotten a recent night of sleep. He had four kids, but only one was currently staying with him. He is about six feet tall. These thoughts flashed quickly through Courtney's head. 

A small part of Courtney wanted to rule out every probability that she was talking to the Batman. Batman she could handle. However, Courtney had no intentions to fight another psychopath after her recent brushing with her brother. But then again... she was ever so bored.

"And I'm assuming you'd like to meet in person, to go over the facts? Or would you rather me tell you all the details over the phone, which can o so easily be penetrated?" Courtney replies after a moment's thought.  

"Yes, in person would be more convenient. "

"Wayne Manor then?" Courtney's smirk grew as she heard him hold his breath.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't be so modest. Like I've said before, I'll explain everything.  Text me the details about when we'll be meeting up. Catch you later. "

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