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"How could they escape?! Why didn't you stop them?!"

"We tried our best, but we couldn't. We even-"

Before the guy could continue, he was shot right on the head. The other guys jumped, looking terrified.

"I need you to find them all, okay?! If you don't or can't, you'll be following this guy. Understood?!" He said, pointing to the now dead body.

The other males nodded and quickly left the room in horror.


"I'm going to my room." Minho said, about to stand up to leave.

"Why?" Jisung asked.

"I'm tired."


Minho stood up, just to harshly sit back down while groaning.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jisung asked, scooting closer to Minho.

"M-my feet!" Minho almost yelled as he pointed at his feet.

"It still hurts?"

"Of course, it does!"

"I'll help you get upstairs." Jisung said. "You also need to learn some manners." He, then, whispered in Minho's ear.

"Manners? What did I do?" Minho whispered back.

"You'll know, soon, baby." Jisung whispered, smirking.

"Uhh...okay...?" Minho said confusedly.

"Let's go." Jisung said, smiling innocently. He sat down in front of Minho, his back facing the older.

"What're you doing?"

"I'll give you a piggyback ride to your room!"

"Oh...I never really had one..."

"Me, neither." Jisung said, laughing slightly. "Hop on."

Minho did as he was told. His breath hitched when he felt Jisung's hands at the back and his fingers on the inside of his thighs.

Jisung walked out of the living room.

"Which way?"


Jisung walked towards the right.

"N-now, turn towards th-those stairs and use them to get to the s-second floor. Then, take a-another right; the room at the e-end of the hallway is m-mine."

Jisung started doing what he was told.

"Why are you stuttering? Are you cold?"


"Then? Tell me, baby."

"N-none of your b-business."

"Okay. No need to be so angry, baby."

"Don't c-call me that!"

"Okay, baby."

Minho was about to say something but just then, Jisung's grip tightened on his thighs as they reached the stairs. So, instead of words, came out a deep moan.

Both of the boys froze.

"D-did you just..."

Minho eyes filled up with tears.

"I-...I'm-...I'm really sorry!" Minho cried out with a cracked voice, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, hey! Why are you crying? Don't cry!"

Jisung sped up his speed and reached the older's room. He opened the door and entered the room, closing it afterwards.

Jisung sat a crying Minho down on his bed and crouched down in front of him.

"Don't cry, baby. It's fine." Jisung said, wiping the tears on Minho's face.

"...b-but I-..."

"You know, when you did that right next to my ear, the first thing that I mentally screamed was 'my ears have been blessed!', and to be honest, I liked it." Jisung said, smirking as he said the last sentence.

Jisung was confused if Minho's face was pink from crying or if he was blushing. But he didn't think much about it and started making funny faces.

Minho saw the faces Jisung made and burst into laughter. Jisung smiled widely at that.

"Awe, my baby." Jisung said before he hugged Minho. "You should rest, now." He said, opening the blanket.


Minho layed down on the bed, putting the blanket on top of himself.

"Also, don't worry about what happened earlier. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Okay, thank you." Minho said, smiling.

Jisung smiled back.

"No problem."

"Goodnight, Sungie. Lub you." Minho said, smiling sweetly and scrunching his nose at the last sentence.

"Night, night, cupcake. Lub you, too." Jisung said, making the same expression Minho made at the same part. Then, he left.


Next Episode...

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Are you both dating?"

"I wanted to ask you something..."

"There is a reason. I know there is."

"Yes, I do."

"...wow, you know a lot."


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