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"Which movie are we watching?" Minho asked.

The four boys were sitting on Jisung's bed that was big enough to fit them all.

Felix was sitting between Jisung and Hyunjin while Minho was sitting on Hyunjin's right side.

Felix and Jisung were sharing a blanket while Minho and Hyunjin were sharing one.

"Conjuring." Hyunjin replied.

"But it's scary!" Felix almost yelled.

"That's the point! I love scary stuff." Hyunjin said happily. "Let's start."

Jisung and Felix looked at each other and made a 'we have no choice' face.

Hyunjin played the movie and all of them started watching.

(A/N: I haven't watched the movie 'Conjuring', so I don't know what happens in it.)

During the movie, Felix and Jisung were tightly hugging each other.

Hyunjin stopped the movie, looked at them, and fake coughed.

Jisung and Felix looked up but were faced with each other really close to kissing. They both screamed and pushed each other.

Jisung was pushed down the bed while Felix was pushed against Hyunjin, who got pushed, too. And that caused Minho to fall down the bed, too.

Hyunjin and Felix realized that the other two had fallen down the bed and started laughing.

"Stop laughing." Jisung whined as he stood up.

"The snacks are all over the bed, now. Thankfully, we didn't have the drinks on the bed." Minho said.

"Let's clean this up first?" Felix suggested.

Everyone else agreed and started cleaning up.

"Finally!!" Felix almost yelled. "We're done!"

"Let's continue the movie, now." Minho said.

The four boys sat down on the bed, again.

This time, Minho and Jisung were seated together while Felix and Hyunjin were seated together.

Hyunjin played the movie and they all continued to watch.


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