After school I texted Happy about Ben coming over while he called his parents.
"Ok the parents said I could just be home before 9pm."
"Cool, Happy and Pepper said yes too."
" Then lead the way love." He says doing a dramatic bow.

As we walked we just talked about random stuff mostly because I'm trying to block people out.
"So how come you're having trouble with big crowds and stuff with the telepathy?"
"Well I use my telepathy also to keep certain demons and memories at bay as well so I'm sacrificing my sanity for a full night's sleep."
"Oh, what kind of demons?"
"Just different memories from my Hydra days. It's fine."
"Yeah. So do you like normal boring life?"
"Yeah and honestly with the way my life has been some boring is good."
"Nice. Hey do you want to stop for some ice cream? I know a great place not far from here."
"Uh sure but I didn't bring any money."
"Well good for you because a Lady never pays."
We walked to this ice cream kart literally down the street from the house.
How I missed it? I don't know.
"Ok Ben tiny confession. I've actually never had ice cream before."
"Nope. Hydra was well hell on earth and it was winter time while I was on the road so yes I've never had ice cream."
"Well we are fixing that today."
When it was our turn he ordered us two  medium vanillas in a cup with rainbow sprinkles.

We sat down on a bench and now I'm trying it.
I put the spoon in my mouth and it was a nice cold, sweet, creamy sensation.

"So how is it?"
I have a huge smile on my face.
"It's kinda awesome. Haha."
"Haha yes! Phase one of helping you get used to normal life has begun!" He says throwing his fist in the air.

We finished our ice cream and walked across the street to the house.
"Whoa. If this is avengers mansion I can't wait to see avengers tower."
"Haha yeah it's something. Uh do you want anything to drink or just wanna go upstairs?"
"How about an introduction." Pepper says coming down the stairs with a smile.
"Hi I'm Pepper. And you are?"
"Ben Williams ma'am."
He said shaking her hand.
"Oh Pepper is fine, ma'am makes me feel old. So what's on the agenda for this evening? Happy said that there's a party you both didn't want to go to."
"Yeah so instead of being alone on a school night we'll just hang out together I guess."
I said honestly feeling a little uncomfortable. And Ben could tell.
"Sounds fun. Well I was thinking of just making some lasagna for dinner and Ben you are welcome to stay unless your parents want you home at a certain time."
"They just said be home before 9. So that's enough time."
"Yeah it is. Ok I'll call you guys down when it's dinner time."
With that she left and we went upstairs to my room.
"Sorry about that." I said as I closed the door.
"It's ok I was honestly expecting it a little."
"Yeah. So this is my room. I haven't done much to it yet. It's just as I found it."
"Well maybe we can do some decorating today."
"There isn't anything you want to do?"
"Not really. Just hanging out with you is enough. And I know you're still a little uncomfortable with this world so I'm going to help you adjust."
" Really?"
That's sweet. Wait what are you saying?
"Yeah so what do you want to do?"
"Uhhh *blows raspberries* uhh wanna just talk about stuff? Haha I don't know."
"Yeah I like that."
I sat down on my bed next to him and we began the random questions and stuff.

"Hey Ash can I ask you something?"
"With the telepathy can you not read someone except for like emergencies?"
"Uh yeah. Telepathy is funny because with other telapaths you like have to request to be able to read them because they can tell when someone is in their head. But yeah. Why do you not want me to read you?"
"Yeah if that's alright. I just got a lot rolling around up here that you need not concern yourself with."
"Ok. I accept that answer." I say with a smile throwing the same line he used on my first day to me.
He smiled at that.

A little bit later Pepper called us down for dinner and it wasn't too bad.
The food was nice.
The conversations were good.

Then at about 7:30 Happy volunteered to drive him home and I went with him.
We got to his house and it's actually not what you would expect.
It's a nice medium size Victorian house with his parents waiting on the porch with smiles.
Ah crap.
"Thanks for the ride Happy."
"No problem kid."
I walked him up to the porch.
"Hi mum, dad."
"Hi Ben. Who's this?"
"Uh mum, dad this is Ash. Ash these are my parents."
"Hi it's nice to meet you."

Yes yes good Ashy play the nice southern girl card. Ugh. *Giving myself a mental face palm*

"It's nice to meet you too dear. Would you like to come in for something to drink?"
"Uh no thank you I gotta get back home."
"Alright. Good night." With that they went inside.
"Ok well I'll see you tomorrow."
I said turning to look at him.
"Yeah. goodnight love." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek!
"Uh yeah goodnight." I said as I tried not to run to the car.
"Happy stop smiling."
"I'm not smiling about that I promise."
"Uh huh sure."

I got home and just as I'm about to fall asleep I got a call from Stark.
"I just had to send a suit to pull Peter out of a lake. Know anything about that?"
"I do now."
"Check on him please in the morning."
"Got it Stark. Now can I sleep?"
"Yeah. Goodnight."

Ugh Parker.

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