Agni Ivar

9 0 0

****trigger warning: implied self-harm****

The Shadow.
That's all he'll ever be to those who can't be bothered to see past his colour changing eyes, dark aura and dark shadow. It's not his fault he's like this.
He can't help that he's the reincarnation of a powerful spellcaster from the Shadowfell.
He didn't ask for this.
If he could choose to have a family that aren't afraid of him then he would.
If he didn't need to use his magic constantly so he wouldn't cause a wild magic surge then he wouldn't.
He hates those.
He hears of other sorcerers and how without warning they'll accidentally create illusory butterflies and flower petals or regain hit points or cast a harmless spell like levitate on themselves...

...and he becomes jealous.

Why wouldn't he be?
His magic is dark and twisted.
He doesn't want it.
Not even his wild magic surges have good intentions. He'll either hurt himself or someone else or just cause more scared disgusted gazes to turn his way.

His magic wants to hurt people... but he doesn't want that... yet the magic wants, no, demands blood and hurt. So, he gives it what it wants...
All that matters is that he doesn't hurt anybody else.

He's icy cold to the touch,
He almost never blinks,
He forever casts a dark shadow around him;
He doesn't blame people for thinking he's a dark, twisted, evil being.
He's sometimes scared that they may be right.

He knows that he could have done something the other day.
When he was just getting a drink at the tavern.
The whispers and stares were too much on that day.
Too strong,
Too hurtful,
Too unforgiving...

A wild magic surge occurred.
Luckily, it was fairly mild... but didn't make others hate him any less...
His skin became a mid-grey colour covered with shallow, black engravings in Undercommon.
He left without a drink.

It's not his fault.
He tries to be good:
He helps those in need,
He gives money to those who need it more,
And he puts his life on the line each time his magic is feeling more sadistic (which is always)...
But all they see is the Shadow: the boy born to wealthy, respectable family, the boy who disgraced his "loving" family by making evil decisions which led to what he is now.
Of course they assume it's his fault.
But he can't tell anyone because no-one will come within 10 feet of him at least.

He's lonely.
He's hurt.
And he's beginning to believe he's actually evil...

First draft. Not proofread.
Is it bad that I have 9 DnD books but I've only been playing for 8 months?
Agni is good boi.

D&D character and their stories. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon