Bethrynna Firahel

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****trigger warning: implied suicide attempt****

Her home nation is gorgeous.
She loves it; the dense forest at its border protecting it making it an impenetrable fortress, the vast expanses of vibrant, luscious fauna carpeting the land for miles, the woolly animals with temperaments wilder than their thick coats. She loved it all.
Even the sharp jagged cliffs at the nations border. The steep drop to a thin band of sand far below the land and the thick forest made it impossible for foreigners to enter the country.

The lands are magical.
Whether the gods favour the untouched, pure land or whether they were just lucky, the magic that weaves the land together bestows them charmed lives and a special lineage.

Of course she "got lucky".
Who wouldn't want to have special (more intense) magical blood?
Apart from her that is.
Her mother was a gorgeous image of peace and serenity just as the land was.
Bethrynna is not.
She likes loud, crammed taverns filled to the brim with hearty food, good alcohol and music.
Lots of music.
She doesn't want to be princess of a land no one but her people have heard of. She hasn't for a long time.
She wants adventure.
A girlfriend.

She could leave.
But she can't.
Ever since she found her younger brother ever so close to meeting the depths below the murky water, she has rarely left his side.

Ralsei won't talk to her.

He won't.

And she can't leave him.
But she can't stay.
And their people need a ruler.
Her brother would be the perfect prince, but while he's caring for others who would care for him?
Who is there that really knows how to care for him other than her? Who know what to look out for in order for him to stay safe?

Maybe some other day...

First draft. Not proofread.
Hating life rn. That's a lie for once. Just wanna sleep forever.
Wrote this in 10 mins. Sorry if it wrong.
Bethrynna is concerned boi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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