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I was immediately greeted by Greta with a hug after I jumped off the rocky staircase. My feet barely touched the ground before her arms were around me.

"Poe! I'm so glad you're okay!" Greta cheered and held on tight to my body. "I was so worried!"

"I know you were, Greta." I let out a laugh. "It's good to see you too."

Greta pulled away with a big smile, bouncing on the tip of her toes. I just held a smile on my face for the girl in front of me.

"Imagine how much fun we'll have now! Isn't this exciting!?" Greta clapped her hands together one time.

"Slow down, Speedy Gonzales. I'm still getting adjusted. I haven't even made my first kill." I rolled my eyes. "That's also why I'm here. Can you tell the boys I left for Nevada?"

The boys weren't here when I came back from boardwalk. I could sense them in the cave, but they weren't present. I wanted to be in and out of the cave as soon as possible.

"Why are you going there?" Greta furrowed her eyebrows before tilting her head to the side.

"Why else, Greta? I suspect Jordon went back to Nevada and I want him dead for the things he's done to me, and I will reach new levels if it means killing him." My smile was no longer on my face. Instead, it held anger. Just the thought of Jordon made me so angry and I couldn't bear watch him live the rest of his life so carefree.

"Maybe it's best you wait for them to come back and tell them face to face." Greta suggested and I immediately shook my head no.

"I'll see you soon, Greta." I pat her shoulder before turning to leave the cave yet again.

Climbing the rigid rocks on the beach, I made it to the top of the cliff and stood closely to the edge so I could look over. The waves crashed along the shoreline and it was such a pretty sight.

I was aware vampires could fly and that was my only mode of transportation for getting to Nevada by sunrise. My feet shuffled just a few inches closer to the edge so the tips of my shoes were peeking over the edge. It was a long way down if I didn't nail this right the first time.

"It can't be that hard, right?" I mumbled to myself before looking out at the water so I didn't look at the ground. That way it would be less frightening.

I took a deep breath in before bending my knees so I could jump off the ground. My body managed a good inch in the air before landed on the gravel again. Someone had pulled me back before I made it off the edge.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, little raven. Paul nearly broke his neck the first time he tried to fly." Marko intertwined his fingers with mine. "Let's try this instead."

Marko instead pulled me away from the edge so we had enough ground beneath us. I eyed him cautiously as he looked deep in thought. Suddenly, the curly blond started levitating off of the ground, his hand still in mine.

"Pretend you're a balloon. You're a piece of rubber gently floating in the air. Make yourself believe you're weightless and let your body move with the wind." Marko explained softly from up in the air.

His curls blew around on his forehead and it was hard to think of anything else, but him, while I glanced up in his direction. He held a small smile on his face and it made me feel warm inside.

"Come on, Poe. Once you get this, you really will be my little raven!"

Marko kept his smile on me as I started to let my mind briefly drift around the thoughts of being weightless. Mimicking a balloon should be easy. They're everywhere on the boardwalk.

House Of Pain | MarkoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon