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I woke up in a bed surrounded by candles. Last nights events popped into mind and my head started to hurt at the thoughts spinning around in my head. But first off, where was I?

Sitting up slowly before crawling to the edge of the bed, I kicked my legs off so I could stand up to figure out where I was. I moved a curtain from my view and saw a large fountain in the middle of the rocky walls. Was I in a cave? Is this where Marko lived? It was an odd place, but I wouldn't judge his living situation.

There was a random wheelchair near the fountain and I eyed it cautiously. If that was there, then where was the owner? Wouldn't they need it to get around?

I brushed the thought away before noticing makeshift steps behind the fountain. I headed towards them, my body in pain, and began to climb up them so I could exit the creepy cave.

The sun's rays started to peek out at the top and I quickened my pace so I could get to the exit at the top. I needed to get home and see my brothers. Greta was also on my mind. I wasn't sure if she was okay or not.


I pushed the door to my house open and was welcomed to Greta on the couch. She sat up immediately and looked over at me with relief.

"Portia! Thank god, you're alright! What happened!? Was that the boyfriend you told me about? My God, Poe. He's a horrible man." Greta started to ramble. "Why are you still with him!? I can't watch you go through that again."

"Greta. It's fine. I'm fine." I limped over to her and sat down beside her on the couch.

"No, you're not fine. Portia, that man is abusive! Don't you see!?" Greta put her hands on my shoulders to shake my body.

"Greta, I've tried! I've tried to break up with him! But he just hits me and refuses to let me go! I've gone to the police. I have. But they won't open a case because there isn't enough proof." I explained to the dark haired girl beside me.

"What? All the proof they need is right there." Greta referred to my appearance.

"It's not enough I'm afraid." I shrugged before looking down at my hands in my lap. The bruises on my wrist were visible and they hurt at the slightest touch. "Greta, I lied. I'm not here on vacation. I'm here to get away from Jordon. But I guess it didn't work out, huh."

"I'll say." Greta's face held anger. "I'm going to rip that man apart for hurting you!"

I tried to find light on the sore subject and laughed at her comment. She didn't though. I guess she didn't feel the same way about what she said. She was serious.

"Hey, where are my brothers?" I suddenly changed the topic.

"Right here." One of them spoke up and I jumped at their voice. Were they there all along?

"Alan, how long have you been standing there?" I looked back at him, who was standing next to Edgar.

"Long enough to hear it all." Edgar spoke up this time. "Poe, why didn't you tell us!? We could have done something!"

"Boys, you're no match for Jordon. I would never throw your guys into that fire, but thank you for wanting to help." My eyes followed them as they walked over to Greta and I.

Greta scooted away so the two could sit down next to me on either side. I wrapped my arms around them and pulled them in for a hug. I flinched when one of them wrapped their arms around my stomach. It still hurt from the blow I took from Jordon.

"Sorry, Poe." Alan mumbled and pulled away.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be healed in no time." I let out a slight chuckle as the two got up to head to the kitchen. I was once again left with Greta.

"I think we should stay inside for today." Greta suggested.

"No, I actually want to go to the boardwalk. I need to see Marko." I gave a firm nod to Greta and her lips twitched into a smirk.

"To see Marko?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I need to thank him is all." I looked away to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Maybe they can come here. It's safer! We can watch a movie or something!" Greta suggested.

"You are not letting those bloodsuckers in our house!" Edgar yelled from the kitchen.

"They are not vampires!" I shouted back. "Give it a rest!"

"Never say I didn't warn you." Edgar fought back. "Remember what we taught you. Sta-"

"Stake through the heart. Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. "I got it. Now, don't you boys have to run a store or something?"

"We could say the same to you, Poe." Alan snapped back and I rolled my eyes again.

"It's your hobby, not mine." I looked over at Greta and she laughed before rolling her eyes too. "So, a movie?" But then I realized something. "Wait, you said they as in plural? Greta, the rest of them don't like me, remember? Marko is the only one with the guts to talk to me."

"Right... I forgot. I'm sorry, Poe. I promise they'll come around. In the meantime, I can go buy snacks and find Marko for you." Greta suggested before standing up. "Don't go anywhere, Poe. And don't open that door unless it's me or one of your brothers."

"Yes, ma'am." I saluted her with a laugh.

Greta shook her head with a chuckle before exiting my home, leaving me with my brothers, who were getting ready to head to the store for the day.

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