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Back in Santa Carla. The place I grew up in and called my home. The lively boardwalk that attracted the tourists. The salty beach for all kinds of fun. It was a great place to be in, minus the little negative parts about it. Overall, it was the number one spot in California for vacation.

My taxi driver brought the car to a holt near a parking lot that lead to the beach. The new sights pulled me from my thoughts and I leaned over to hand the nice man some cash for his duty.

I stepped out of the taxi with my single suitcase and looked at my surroundings. The sun had set and the festivities of the boardwalk truly began where screams of joy could be heard from the rides. The taxi drove off as I continued to view the scenery. Santa Carla was breathtaking.

Heading towards the center of attention, the shops, I let my mind play around with my thoughts. Perhaps, this was my getaway that I needed from Jordon. The one who I thought I could love, but was wrong in the end. It always happened to me. I don't know why I thought this time would be different.

The stores came into view and I picked up my pace to find the one I was looking for. This one in particular held rows of comic books and was ran by two young boys with wasted hippies for parents.

They weren't just any two young boys. No. They were my two younger brothers, Edgar and Alan. I loved them to death, but they had one minor flaw about them.

They were obsessed with the idea of vampires crawling the town of Santa Carla. The imagination of those boys was beyond normal. I just laughed along and agreed with everything they said in hopes they'd stop bothering me about it.

My thoughts were once again torn from my mind when I entered the comic book shop and was greeted to two boys yelling my name and running towards me. I dropped my suitcase beside my legs so I could hug them both.

"Portia! You're here!" Alan cheered.

"Yeah, but why?" Edgar spoke up next. His comment caught me off guard.

"Why?" I rose an eyebrow at him. "Can't I just come and visit my little brothers? We are family after all."

"Sure, but something's off. You usually tell us when you're coming. Poe, what's up?" Edgar asked, a little hesitant on my actions. "Are you okay?"

"Edgar, I'm fine! I'm just here on vacation. I thought I'd surprise you two. If you want me to go, I can. Just remember, you shoed your big sister away and hurt her feelings." I teased, but they didn't look phased. In fact, it looked like they believed my comment.

"Yeah, yeah. Just tell us next time. We hate surprises." Edgar waved his hand at me. "Go home and rest. You look tired."

"Well, my journey was indeed long." I smiled. "Goodnight you two. Don't get into any trouble."

The brother's looked at each other knowing they couldn't hold that promise and looked back at me with smiles and thumbs up.

I ruffled their heads of hair before picking my suitcase back up so I could head to my childhood home. Not too long ago, I moved so I could attend college in a different state, but I couldn't help but miss my home. Going back to the old building would be quite a relief for the time being.

As my body carried me down the boardwalk, I came across four boys who were walking down the wooden path along the stores. They were all aligned with each other and as they passed, civilian heads turned. I hadn't recognized them. They must've been new to the area.

Each of them had their own styles that suited them. The one who looked rather scary, wore all black with a long coat and had spiky peroxide blond hair. He seemed like the leader. Someone I'd want to stay away from.

Beside him was a dark haired boy with Native like features. He also wore black, but had a jacket displayed on his body with no shirt underneath, revealing his bare torso.

On the other side of the spiky blond, was yet again another blond. His hair was all over the place and looked knotted and frizzy, but it suited him. He was in black as well, but switched the look up with white pants and brown boots. The mesh shirt brought the whole look together. It was truly something.

And the last one, who was also a blond, was absolutely breathtaking. His curls cascaded down his back where he wore a colorful patchwork jacket. The leather chaps over jeans put the piece together. He was rather unique.

As I passed the four, I couldn't help but stare at the curly blond. He took my breath away. And for someone with a boyfriend, I shouldn't be thinking that. However, I couldn't look away. I was captivated.

Our eyes locked as we passed each other. We both had blank stares, but on the inside, I was definitely screaming. I slowed my pace so I could turn around and look at him pass by with his buddies.

When I looked back, he had also turned around and we locked eyes once again. My heart jumped at the exchange. The blond sent a small smirk my way before turning back around to watch where he was going as they treaded down the boardwalk.

My head shook when I looked away in hopes of it clearing my head, but the rest of the night, all I could think about was the curly blond boy. Would I see him again? I'd do anything for that to happen.

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