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I hadn't seen any of the boys for a few days. If anything, me and Greta had been spending time together so she can heal up from her mishap with David. We did what any other girl did, shopping, getting our nails done, you name it. She was thankful for the time we had spent together and it made her happier and I was glad to not see her down in the dumps.

After an eventful day of fun, I finally got to lay down and relax in my room to have some me time. My room smelled of lavender as I had sets of candles around me on my nightstands. The flames danced on the wicks. I was laying on my back with my knees up to the ceiling so I could rest a comic book against them to read it at an angle.

The house was quiet for Edgar and Alan were at the shop. They were there almost every night. I couldn't be bothered to do that, so I stayed home most of the time.

My eyes shifted to the right when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. The candles blew out and all that was left was smoke rising from the wicks that were once lit. A figure was standing there in my now dark room, but I recognized the frame.

"What do you want?" I hissed, for my 'me time' had come to an end. I then looked away from the figure to flip the page to my comic book to read the next section.

My bed dipped and I lowered my legs so I could see over them. Marko was crawling towards me and I just blinked at him. Shaking my head at him with the roll of my eyes, I then went back to reading the comic.

All of a sudden, my legs were being pushed apart and weight was put in between them. Bare hands found the bottom of my stomach and I yet again lowered the comic book to view the character in front of me.

Marko had his chin rested on his hands. His eyes sparkled as he looked up at me. The corners of his lips were tugged up into a small smile. That dammed smile made my toes curl.

"What is it, Marko?" I whispered down at him.

"Vampires everywhere, huh?" Marko read the title of the comic out loud. "Well, if you're looking for one, he's right in front of you."

"It says here that vampires have red eyes. It looks like you have blue ones to me. I don't think you're a vampire, Marko." I pursed my lips together and shook my head. "Sorry."

Marko crawled further up towards me and put his elbows on either side of my torso. His face was now close to mine. I put the comic book down so I could wrap my arms around his back.

"What is up with you tonight?" I asked to the boy in front of me.

"I haven't seen you in days." Marko frowned. "I want you to meet someone."

"Really? Are there more of you?" I perked up at his comment.

"It's a possibility, but first-"

Marko connected his lips with mine so he didn't have to finish his sentence. My head dipped back into the pillow behind me as he did so. He soon moved them to my cheek and began peppering kisses along my jawline and down my neck. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders even tighter and tilted my head back at his actions. His tongue then glided along the skin on my neck making me shiver. Something sharp started to nip at my skin and I could only assume it was Marko's fangs.

"Marko." I mumbled as my body tensed up. Did I want this?

"Just a taste, Poe." Marko whispered back, his breath hot against my neck.
What if he took it to far?

"I don't know, Marko." I responded softly. "This seems too dangerous."

Marko looked up at me, his face in full vampiric form. It didn't scare me though. I just searched his yellow-red eyes for an answer.

"I wouldn't do this if I didn't have faith in myself to pull away. I promise you'll be fine. I know the limits for human bodies." Marko gave me a comforting kiss before bringing his head back down to my neck again.

He nipped once more and I felt my skin rip open like a paper cut. His tongue then darted over the fresh wound. Seconds later, his fangs sunk into my flesh and I dug my nails into his patchwork jacket from the pain. It hurt, but not as bad as I thought it would have. If anything, the pain felt like nothing compared to the hits and blows I've taken from Jordon.

It only lasted a couple of seconds for Marko had pulled away, careful to not kill me if he were to continue. My blood was stained all around his mouth and I couldn't help but smile at the pretty sight in front of me.

"That wasn't so bad, right!?" Marko cheered in his normal state before getting up from between my legs. "Get dressed. We're going to see Max."

"Max?" I repeated and Marko nodded with a grin.

I climbed out of my bed and placed the comic book I had been reading on the nightstand next to the candles that were previously lit.

The bathroom was a short distance away and I needed to clean my wound that Marko gave me. It was still bleeding, but eventually came to a stop after I dabbed it with some toilet paper. All that was left were two black holes an inch apart from each other, on the side of my neck. The rims were red from the fresh cut.

"Let's go, little raven. The time is ticking." Marko called out from my bedroom and I ignored him.

Walking back out, I gave him a reassuring smile that said I was ready to go. And with that, we were off to the boardwalk on the back of his bike.

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