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My house was a short distance away and I quickened my pace as I approached the settlement. I played a dangerous game walking home by myself, but I made it home safely and that was okay with me.

After Greta took a sip from the jeweled bottle, I had lost all hope and decided to leave the party earlier than I had originally planned. I managed to sneak out while the rest of them were partying for Greta's birthday. They hadn't noticed I slipped past, they were too busy dancing around.

Fumbling to get my keys out of my pocket, a noise started to erupt behind me. It sounded like it was coming from a bush, perhaps an animal. It only made me anxious. It could've been any animal, good or bad.

I finally got the door open just as the figure from the bush jumped out and started running towards me. It wasn't an animal. It was worse than that.

Jordon came straight for me and I stepped into my house and turned to close the door as quick as could, but he was already in front of me. He kicked at the door and I stumbled away from it when it collided with my body.

"Jordon." I whimpered out.

"Don't say a word." He closed the door from behind him.

"I told you. I'm not going back! Can't you see what you're doing to me? This isn't normal in a relationship!" I disobeyed his comment and spoke anyway. "Get it through that head of yours that I'm breaking up with you."

"I said shut up!" Jordon hissed out. "You're mine, Portia. You knew that when this relationship started."

"I didn't know you were a psychopath at the time!" I shouted in his face and received a slap for it. Bringing my hand to my face, I touched the hot skin that was burning from the contact.

"You don't talk to me like that!" Jordon yelled and I started to back away from him.

"You don't treat me like that!" I mimicked him back and received a punch instead of a slap that time. My skin opened up as a wound for I had felt hot liquid sliding down my cheek.

"What did I just say!?" Jordon shouted at me before shoving me against the wall. I was now pinned between him and the painted plywood.

"Jordon." I whimpered out once more with tears in my eyes. "Please leave me alone."

His fist connected with the other side of my cheek this time, making my nose bleed. I cowered down and tried to shield myself with my arms in case he were to strike again.

All of sudden, Jordon yelled out in pain before dropping to the ground. I looked up while gasping for air and saw two boys standing behind him. It was my brothers. A piece of wood had went through Jordon's shoulder, but Edgar was quick to pull it back out.

"At least we know it works." Edgar spoke up and looked over at Alan. His brother just gave him a quiet nod with a shrug. "Get out of here, you bastard." Edgar kicked Jordon.

Alan came to my side and wrapped his arm around me to help me waddle to my room. It was silent in here and all we could hear was Edgar shouting at Jordon as footsteps stumbled out of our home. Softer footsteps could be heard running down the hallway and in came Edgar to my room.

"Portia, who was that!?" Edgar gave me a look of concern.

It had occurred to me that my brothers hadn't met Jordon. They just heard stories about him. Seeing as I was bruised and bloody, now was probably a good time to tell them.

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