Chapter Nine: Hot Gossip

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I woke to the sound of my Cat: Lucca pawing at my face, I nudged him off my chest and rolled over where I discovered that I was alone in this bed, I nearly had a heart attack, it was Shane.

I completely forgot about last night, I looked under the covers and sighed in relief, we still had (some) clothes on.

I sat up a bit to check the window, the sun was just barely up yet, I laid back down a nuzzled up to Shane, I heard a small grumble come out of him.

"Not yet Dolly... Few more minutes..." Shane grumbled.

That's right, he's not even supposed to be here, Jas usually wake him up.

I roll my eyes and lightly tug on Shane's ear.

"Okay... Okay Jas what is-" Shane opened his eyes, obviously expecting to see Jas up in his face but it wasn't, it was me.

"Oooh...That's right, Yoba you just scared the eggs outta me." Shane says lightly cracking a smile and rubbing his eyes.

"You did the same to me, I was about to pull out my sword cuz I thought some Zombie was in my bed." I snickered.

"Hey now, you chose this Zombie did you not?" Shane pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly.

"... Shane...Can't...Breathe..." Shane quickly let go of me and let me catch my breath.

I laugh and place my hand on his face.

I could get used to seeing his Grumpy face every morning... Yoba what the hell I'm I thinking?

"Wait... We didn't... Do anything? Right?" Shane asked, quite concerned.

I shook my head. "No, after Maru magically appeared, I asked you if you wanted to go back home and you said you wanted to crash here and so, we just, slept together, nothing more." I hugged Shane, feeling his warm skin against mine was the best feeling.

I'm definitely going to need you here in the winter... Fuck there I go again!

My face became flushed and Shane lifted my head up, noticing the visible blush.

"Woah woah you okay? You're completely red." Shane place his hand on my forehead, he shook his head.

"Well you're not sick... What's the matter?" He trailed his hand down from my forehead to my cheek.

"I'm just thinking about... Stuff." I can't just tell Shane I was thinking about a future with him! He'll think I'm crazy!!!

"Stuff? Wait... Did you want last night to, escalate?" Shane lifted me up to his face, his eyes where such a way to make me spill.

"Wait no, I mean yes, I mean it would've been amazing yes but no of course not because we only started doing this thing and I dont wanna rush thi-" Shane once again cut me off from my habit of rambling, but not by putting his hand on my mouth, he kissed me, his lips where not chapped, they felt soft and warm, again, I swooned at kissed him back.

Shane slowly broke from the kiss. "You're ram-"

"Rambling I know now shut up." I pulled Shane back into the kiss, this feeling was amazing. I've never felt this way before.

Shane, unfortunately broke away from the kiss and sat up.

"Noo, you're rude.." I placed my head in Shane's lap.

"I have to go Su's, Jas is definitely going to be wondering where I am in a few minutes." He began to put on the few pieces of clothing that had been taken off him last night.

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