Chapter Three: New faces

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I decided to help Marine out with the Meteor shower tonight, I actually like Marine, she told me that if I get a barn or coop I could buy animals from her.

"Oh, the flowers dance, you didn't show up to it!" She told me as she put a star print table cloth of one of the tables.

"The flower dance?" I asked in a puzzled tone.

"Oh for heaven sake, you don't know what the flower dance is?" She spoke to me in stern voice, goodness, for how small she is she's quite intimidating.

"Its one of our town events we have every year, its to celebrate love and the thrill of dancing." She said twirling with a small box, her red dress spun around.

"Love? Ah I'm not so sure 'bout trying that again." I said while setting one of the Telescopes up.

Marine gasped. "You had someone?" Her eyes lit up with glee and excitement.

"Well, yeah its kinda the reason I moved here." I said in a rude manner.

"Oh my... What happened between you two." Marine asked in a worried tone, she place her hand on my arm.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore Marine..." I pushed her hand off my arm and began setting up another Telescope.

Marine gave me a look, like she knew what happened, but she has no clue what I went through back in the city with that Bastard.

The sun began to set and slowly the stars began to creep out. I couldn't take my eyes off the sky, I have never seen so many stars before. I guess the citys lights lit up the sky to much to really see the stars.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A charming voice spoke to me, I quickly turn my head to look at who was beside me. I man with long orange hair with his hands behind his back gazed up at the sky.

"I will say, stars like this are quite different to night wouldn't you agree?" The tall man spoke to me, his chest puffed out.

"I uh... Yeah I guess?" I said, words got caught up in my throat, this man was gorgeous, what the hell is he doing here!?

"Oh how rude of me, my name is Elliot, charmed." I slightly bowed and kissed my hand, oh my God who is this man and why is he so... Fancy?

"Uh, S-Susie, my name is Susie." My face turned completely red.

"Oh Ell, knock it off will ya, stop freaking out the new gal!" A woman yelled at Elliott, she had orange hair and was wear a crop top? I assume?

"You must excuse my friend here, he's always like this, fun fact he was just like this when we first meet~." The woman laughed lightly punching Elliots arm.

"L-Leah! Do you ever not mind your own business!?" Elliot yelled at the woman: Leah I assume.

"Haha! Ow stoop Elliot!" Leah squawked as Elliot pitched her ear, I laughed at the two, they seemed good friends.

"Okay okay, thats enough Ell, ahem, names Leah, I live in that little house over there, you must be the new farmer thats been hiding out?"

I was embarrassed, these seemed so nice and I've been avoiding them, how rude of me.

"Ah ha, yep thats me, sorry I kinda got lost in the new life, ya know?" I said twiddling my thumbs.

"Oh don't apologize my dear, we all get kinda caught up when we move here, you find your true calling, mine was the sea and writing." Elliot said.

He was right, I actually enjoyed Farming alot more then I thought I would, its fun and quiet relaxing.

"Ah ha, I see you made some friends!" A familiar voice spoke to me, it was Maru, she had a big bag over her shoulder.

"Yes I did, everyone here is so friendly!" I smiled at Maru.

"I see you've met Leah and Elliot, they're an interesting bunch!" She winks and them, they laugh and go set up their area by one of the Telescopes.

I decided I was gonna sit by Maru since she was the only one I really knew, she told me how she's fascinated by stars and so was I! I knew we where going to be amazing friends.

Over time, it got darker and more people approached the Cinder Snap Forest, which I only just found was call by Leah.

I saw a yellow hair girl flirting with what seemed to look like a jock.

A man with a mustache and glasses was talking to Maru.

I noticed a blue hair girl go over to the yellow hair girl a hug her, the blonde pushed her away and rolled her eyes. Must be sisters.

Then I saw three people together talking, a blonde haired man, and purple haird girl with a sparky attitude and a man wear all black smoking a cigarette.

Leah and Elliot where doing there own thing.

I looked around more and noticed someone wasn't here, it seemed like the whole town was here, including the mayor have a uh very friendly conversation with Marnie.

Shane... Where was Shane?

Phew, what a long one this was! Don't worry, the next Chapter I'll try to make more interesting! Thank for reading and remember to always wear a mask!

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