177 - Everyone (31/31)

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Just turned 12, technically the 31st-

Warnings : Just some sweet aftercare. The pairings I've chose for this are Moceit, Dukexiety and Logince.

Janus moaned out as the other fucked into him roughly, pounding his sorry ass into the mattress. Patton grunted dominantly, making deep hickeys at the others neck.

Eventually it all ended when Janus got close, cumming across his own stomach with a loud moan of Patton's name. He clenched around the other, only sending him over the edge too. Patton came into Janus, pushing his thick liquids in deeper with his cock. He slowly pulled out and panted softly.

Patton chuckled softly as he took a wet wipe, gently dabbing (lol dab) his scaled lover clean. Janus panted softly, smiling up at Patton.
The other gently scooped him up, "Let's get you all bathed and cozy, hm?" He suggested, Janus letting out a tired sound of approval.

They made their way to the bathroom, Patton gently running the bath and adding bubble solution whilst he gave Janus some pain killers to numb his ass. Janus took them thankfully, and swung his legs as he sat on the counter.
Patton slowly lifted the other up once the bath finished running, slowly dunking him in the bath and setting him down.

Janus soaked in the warmth, smiling at Patton, "You need care too. Get in with me."
Patton couldn't resist his lovers wishes, slowly removing his socks and joining him in the bath.

"Thank you, darling."
"Your welcome."


This was their 6th round, Remus was a moaning mess beneath Virgil, coated in his own sticky loads. His ass felt so full, full of Virgil's seed.

He kept on pounding into Remus, feeling himself getting tired and close. And from the looks of it, so was Remus.
Remus barely let out a whimper, cumming across his stomach a final time to contribute to the cum pile. Virgil grunted, letting out a tiny amount of cum into Remus before pulling out.

Virgil glanced down at the now cum-covered and exhausted Remus. It was rare for the other to be worn out, but Virgil had just about done it.

"Come on, we can't have you looking like a cum-glazed donut-" Virgil commented, picking the other up but holding him away since yuck. Remus kicked his legs about like a little trash child as Virgil went to his own seperate bathroom.

He set Remus on the counter, ignoring the others hiss of pain from the pain in his ass. After a few minutes of the tap water warming, Virgil wet the flannel/cloth and began to scrub Remus clean. Remus didn't even have the energy to resist, so instead he resorted to.. being himself.

"Smelly Virgil has a cleaning fetish, he might just bust a nut cleaning my nut of me."

Virgil ignored the others teasing and finished cleaning him, only for Remus to take the cloth and scrub Virgil's dick.

"I-" Virgil made serious eye contact.
"I love you." Remus replied innocently.
"I..love you too, surprisingly."


Logan bobbed his head quickly, continuously taking Romans cock in the back of his throat (just kidding it's not that big hehe lol 😜✌️✨). Roman let out soft and eager moans, mumbling how close he was.

Before Logan could stop him, Roman whipped it out his mouth, leaving the other sadly empty mouthed. Yet this is where it got saucy,

Romans cum splattered (I'm obsessed with the word splattered) over Logans face, coating his glasses, speckling his cheeks. Logan let out a soft gasp and processed what happened.

Roman let out a quiet apology, only to be hushed by Logan. He helped his lover up off his knees, and removed his glasses. He used his own sash to delicately wipe and clean them before putting them back on Logan.

He took him to the bathroom which was luckily connected to his own room to save the embarrasment of anyone seeing Logan's cummy face.

"Stay still, I'm using the fancy face care stuff-" Roman warned, using his top quality face wash on Logan's delicate skin. Not only was Logan honoured to have cum on his face, but he was even further honoured by being good enough for Romans face wash.

"I think I might just cum my pants from this-" Logan warned.

(Spooky Cumshot Count : 700+.


I'm honoured we've made it this far. I love you all so much, and I wish you a wonderful day.

After this month, updates will be slow but don't you worry! I'm working on requests (which I no longer take) and my own ideas such as Janus having fun with his golf ;)

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