LoV Oneshot

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You stomped through the doors of the abandoned bar, slamming them behind you. The heads of those in the room with you snapped up as you dripped from the rain outside. 

"What crawled up your ass?" Dabi questioned, giving you a curious glance. It wasn't often that you were angry, but when you were he typically found it entertaining. 

"I have been waiting. Waiting for three hours for friends that never came. I really thought you guys cared." you said, voice cracking. 

You disappeared in a puff of your transportation smoke, landing in your room, leaving everyone else downstairs to look at each other. 

"What did we miss?!" Toga asked wildly, eyes searching everyone else's. The door opened and Twice walked in, with a small pink bag in his hand. 

The usual sweet soul glared at the rest of the group. "I never want to have to see her cry like that again." he growled. The flash of the pink bag as Twice left the room instantly struck everyone. 

"Her birthday!" Toga gasped. Dabi felt a ping in his chest but didn't say anything to the affect of feeling sorry. 

"We are a group of villains and she thought we would spend out time at a birthday party?" Kai scoffed, unusually light for his typical manner. 

Even Shigiraki who was always ready to turn everyone down felt the guilt settle into his stomach. "We have to make it up to her." he said under his breath. 

Hours later you heard a knock at your door. Without a response, Kurogiri appeared in front of your bed. 

You sat up, tear stained cheeks rosy and heated. "What?" Your voice was soft and filled with hurt. 

"I believe there is something for you downstairs." he said, eyes starring into you. "I don't want to go downstairs, there's no point. I don't want everyone's pity." you huffed, laying your face back into the pillow. 

Before you could protest, Kurogiri had his mist surrounding you, transporting you to the bar level of the building. 

The usually dark and dull appearance of the bar was shifted to almost girly with pink ribbons and banners on the walls. 

"Surprise!" Toga shouted. You flinched away at her sound and walked over to Twice, leaning into him. "They didn't have to do this." you muttered. "I had no part in it." he said, wrapping his arms around your torso and resting his head on your shoulder. 

Dabi held a homemade cake which you could only assume Toga and himself had put together with he close supervision of Kurogiri. 

Everyone looked at you hesitantly. "We are sorry we forgot your party. We will do better." Shigiraki said with a frown. 

You couldn't help but feel a smile tug at your lips. The baddest villains since Stain, were throwing you an apologetic birthday party. 

"Thank you guys." you said with a smile. 

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