Kirishima Oneshot

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Again, all of my fics involving the students are with the students being 18+, I in no way write for minors. Everyone in this situation is an adult. Also this fic is based on the tiktok audio "Kiripima" 


As a young prohero there was little to no time in your life for a relationship or significant other. As you grew it became more and more evident what you felt like you were missing was a child. 

Wanting a baby but not a spouse was something that wasn't a big deal for you, however you were not sure how you should go about finding a donor until you were sitting with friends one night. 

"Guys I want a baby." you said. Mina starred at you as the rest of them laughed. "No seriously! I just need a donor." everyone was quiet except for Kirishima who instantly spoke up. 

"I'll be your donor y/n." he said. You held him to it. After a few months of setting expectations and boundaries he became your donor. You got pregnant after the first session and had a beautiful baby girl nine months later. 

Her name was Shimanami, and she looked equally like Kiri and you. She had your eyes and skin tone along with Kiri's bright red hair and shark-like teeth. 

Kirishima stayed close with you as friends and helped with Shimanami where he was allowed. Not that he acted like a dad, but once he saw your baby girl he was attached and would do anything just to know her. 

*current day*

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to see your friend, he entered and immediately scooped up Shimanami. 

"Kiripima!" she sqealed as he held her. You smiled, "That's right! Kiripima." you clapped your hands at your baby girl. "Smart just like her mommy!" Kiri smiled at you, causing a blush. 

Okay maybe there was something more than friends there. 

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