Living w LoV

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The league was different than you expected. You got along with everyone and they cared for you intensely. Things were a bumpy start as you were a sidekick to a low level pro hero who allowed you to get taken by the league. They saw your genuine care and understanding. After they captured you they brought you back to base and you saw Toga having an issue with a deep wound. Since you had a healing quirk, you healed her. She was thankful to you and helped the others get to know you better.  

Toga was your friend you went shopping with. She was always attached at your hip and knew all of your gossip. She was the sister of yours within the league and often trailed behind you, calling you the brains to her beauty. It often annoyed everyone that you both got into antics together. 

You cuddled with Twice the most. He was your big baby and always suck you out to comfort him before he split. You knew his sides very well and they both cared for you. Although he thought you might get tired of him, you always checked in and often bunked together so that you could both be cuddled. 

Kai was your intellectual partner who you talked strategy with. No one in the league met his level of communication with you. You would talk to anyone but Kai was the one you went to when you needed to express an idea or plan of action. 

Kurogiri was who you vented to. He would prepare your favorite drink and have it ready at the bar as soon as you got back from an intense mission or meeting with heroes. He would help bandage you up and listen to who got on your nerves today and why. He would make sure Twice was ready to cuddle you to sleep and ran your bubble baths for you. 

You could only stand playing video games with Shigaraki. He was the only one who wouldn't badger you with a million questions when you got back from a mission. He called you player two and gifted you a pink rhinstone gaming controller. He never let you win on purpose but congratulated you when you did win, often smirking a comment on how good you're getting. 

Dabi was your smoking and drinking buddy. While that is what he called himself he also, deep down, valued you as a friend. He was your protector and caregiver, knowing best when you needed a mental break, making everyone else back off and stealing you away to the roof of the base. He would make sure you had a hoodie on so you didn't get cold and would hide you away for as long as you needed. 

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