Dabi Oneshot

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You pulled back the shower curtain and climbed in, cool water pooling at your feet as you rested your head against Dabi's back. 

He didn't move in surprise as you entered his shower. "I know you like hot showers, you don't have to be in here. It's too cold." he said, sounding wounded. 

Often times when Dabi used his power to much it burned him up from the inside out. Just like when he was a kid. As an adult it doesn't happen as badly but it still hurts. 

You smiled into his shoulder blades. "I would stand here forever if it meant being with you." you muttered, kissing up his spine. 

He shivered a bit and turned around. Steam coming off of his chest as the cool water began to bring down his body temp. 

"You can't keep overdoing it like this." you signed, looking up into his brilliant eyes. His hair dripping onto your chest. 

He looked away, a grimace on his face. He could never promise you it wouldn't happen again, you knew that. 

"Hey look at me." you said with a smile. He looked down at you, a corner of his mouth cracking up a bit into a smirk. 

"You are gonna be okay. I'm here and I'm not letting you go." you said quietly. He smiled and nodded. 

"Good, now finish showering and meet me in bed, even a badass like you needs cuddles every once in a while." you smiled, turning to leave the shower. 

You wrapped a fluffy towel around you and made sure Dabi had one sitting out as well. 

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