Keep Yourself Alive

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A/N: So this chapter is quite violent and has strong language, so discretion is advised. I don't know what else to say with this so just enjoy.

Christine's POV

Robert had been gone only a few minutes, but I decide to do what I usually did when he wasn't there and go home to continue writing. Well I say writing but what I mean is making a cup of tea and sitting with my story notes while staring at my type writer hoping it writes the story itself because I have no talent whatsoever to write this romance novel I've been writing for years. I stopped it when Robert left and got a different job, continuing with the book once I bought the flat.

I let out a deep sigh, shoved my typewriter out of the way, giving up all hope on the story and rested my head in my folded arms.

What am I going to do?

Just as I was about to cry pitifully, someone knocked on my door. It was probably Robert, seeing as he always forgot something or other when he had to go somewhere. I got up off the chair and over to the door, getting ready to thank my lovely boyfriend for saving me from another creative breakdown. I don't look to see who is at the door through my peep hole, I just unlock and open it.

But instead of Robert I see Steele, the dentist. I scream as he pushes the door open and grabs at my mouth forcing my screams silent. He picks my up by my waist as I try and push away from his grasp. He gives up, dropping me so I fall on the floor. I continue to try and escape, but his overpowering stance leaves me innocent and terrified of what he would do. He hasn't even spoken yet and I'm already quaking. The last thing I feel is him kick me hard as my vision goes black.

My head aches. I regain my senses and feel a tight rope around my wrists almost restricting circulation. They're tied to the back of a metal chair. My feet are strapped to the legs of it too, as I try to shuffle out of the restraints with no luck I hear a sadistic laugh.

"Oh sweetheart, you don't really think you could get out that easily could you..." The man walks out of the shadow on the other side of the room, Steele. He walks up to me and places his disgusting hand on my cheek stroking it. "Shh it's alright. This won't hurt a bit..." He slaps me hard backhandedly, his ring scratching at my skin and making it bleed. I try not to sound hurt, but I can't help but scream out in pain.

"See what I told you, wouldn't hurt now would it?" He gives me a look which makes me want to vomit, like I'm a piece of meat. "I want to hurt you some more before I tell you why I'm doing this. But here are some rules first...Rule one." His hand hits my cheek again, worsening the wound that's already there, "you speak when you're not allowed, I will hurt you... rule two," he hits me again, this time with the other hand on my right cheek. "you can beg, but nothing will come of it."

This continues for a while until he reaches 10 slaps total across my face. My face covered in blood and tears. I watch as he cleans his hands in a small bowl of water in the corner of the room. He walks back over to me.

"Oh my sweet dear..." his wet hand stroke my face again cause me to wince as he touches the open wounds. He sharply grabs my throat and pushes his horrible face up against mine.

"Has that boyfriend of yours ever choked you during your fucking sessions? You want to see how it feels little bitch." He grips onto my throat tighter and tighter, slowly losing consciousness. Just before I pass out his grip loosens, and I'm thrown into a coughing fit. MY reflexes try to reach for my throat but the rope tying my hands still keeps them tied. I cough so violently I feel a small splatter of blood hit my legs I look down and my prediction was right.

Keep yourself alive.

"I think I've done enough harm now... you must be wondering why I'm doing this?"

I let out a small sob, even though I was 'instructed not to', and earn another slap. I cough again, my voice hoarse, "Just a bit yeah."

"Your boyfriend ruined me. My life. My career, all gone because you couldn't keep your mouth shut." He punctuates his sentence with another slap.

"I didn't tell him anything!" I shout as he walks around the room frustratedly. I cough again and Steele stares at me.

"I don't care. I was having fun; it was your fault really. You whore!"

At that moment, we hear a crash as the door bangs open. I look up and sigh in relief as Robert bursts through and starts beating Steele to death. I can't do anything to stop him.

Robert punches so hard blood splatters, and his fist goes through to his skull. He keeps punching but I scream painfully at him.

"ROBERT PLEASE STOP!" I cough up more blood as he looks over to me. His hands go to my cheeks, my face scrunches and he lets go when he sees the cuts.

"It's okay sweetheart. It's all going to be okay." He runs around the chair and unties my wrists. He does the same with my legs, but I hardly move once I'm free. Tears fall freely down my cheeks, the salty water hurting my cuts more and more. Robert looks up at me holding my shoulders, but I refuse to look at him. My gaze was fixed on Steele's body.

"He's dead, isn't he?"

Robert stands and picks my up, "you don't need to worry about that. I'm taking you home, and I'll stitch you up." Robert's voice was completely calm, even though he killed a man.

Robert's POV

I carry Christine home, stitched her up and lid her down to rest before running up to the top floor to see Royale. The elevator doors open, and I walk in. Royale's sat on the sofa while his wife messes around with something on the wall. Royale looks round and sees me.

"Laing?!" He exclaims, "what on Earth is going on?"

"I need your help." I say desperately.

He gives me a short nod, "sit."

I sit down next to him and run my hands through my hair. He sends his wife off so we were alone in the room.

"What have you done?" He asks sternly.

"Steele took her. I- knocked the security guard working the cameras unconscious... I got to the basement." My hands started rubbing together as I recollect what happened. Watching the man be beaten in my mind, "I killed him."

"Who?" Royale asks.

"Steele," I reply instantly.

"I get someone to clean up. As for the guard, I'll ensure he says nothing." Royale pats my back and gets up. He walks out of the room and I hear him talking to one of his dogs. They both walked out of the room, the man with Royale gave me a nod, "Simmons," he greeted me quickly and walked out. Royale stood in front of me again.

"Go take care of your girlfriend, we'll deal with the rest."

Keep her alive...

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