It's a hard life

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A/N: Ladies, gentlemen and genders of all sexualities. I give you a sex scene. *intense applauding*. Woooo 🎉that's right guys it's time for more sex. I specifically reminded myself with what to do for this chapter by writing 'paint scene and more sex' in my word document for this.🤣 So yeah be warned that this gets spicy. Also Merry Christmas!

As the days have gone by Robert has been doing what Royale said. He has been keeping an eye on Wilder, but there really isn't any need. Yes, he's gone off the rails, yes he's been doing indescribable things to the other residents of the high rise, but who hasn't. I, in my weakness have attacked people who didn't do as I ask. We all have a dark side and with this 'pandemic,' the highers are calling it, spreading further and further throughout the building, those flaws are coming out of the best of us. I notice in Robert from time to time.

The worst was at the shop on the 11th floor. They took his paint. It was his. Just thinking about that moment gets me railed. I guess I should tell you what happened.


Robert and I had been dancing to the old vinyl player he found. He took some albums from dead homes (people who die in the high rise just get called dead, not named, or put in the ground, just shoved down the stairs into the unusable pool, their old apartments, well we call them dead homes.) We danced along to romantic songs from the 40s I think when I look over at the window. The dull sky, one colour taking the clouds that pass over, giving them no hope to survive as they transform into the light but dull shade in front of me. I look back to Robert and say we should go shopping.

Obviously, we don't need to pay. It's first come first served. No one cares if you're too timid to reach for something. No one will help you and no one will ask because they know that item will get taken.

Robert and I walked into the hell hole of the 11th floor supermarket and walked around for a moment. I saw a few things for food and picked them off the shelves, beating some people to it and fighting them as well.

"I'm going to find the paint darling." Robert let go of my waist which he was holding protectively and kissed my cheek. His red rimmed eyes looking down at mine. He walked off staring at the other men who eyed me up for the taking. Sometimes that happened, the men took what they wanted and from time to time that included women.

I walked away from the group of Royale's newly assigned dogs, watching behind me to see them beating up Wilder. I did want to go and help him, but there was nothing I could do without getting kidnapped or killed. They dragged his bleeding body out of the shop, and my fears went to Helen. She's so close to birth now, I go around to her flat almost daily to check in with her. I don't want anything to happen to her. She's too good.

I finish getting my groceries, holding them close to me as I walk back over to Robert. Before I got to him, I heard him screaming,


Fear rose in me and I rushed to find him. I see him stood there with Charlotte's son, and I look at the half dead beaten man on the floor. I don't know how to feel, on one hand: I expect it to happen, I've seen worse, but on the other hand: Robert has never been like that. What's happening to him?

----end of flashback----

We got back soon after and proceeded to stack the boxes together.

"I don't want you here," Robert said bluntly. I looked back at him and frowned before he elaborated, "I want it to be a surprise. Go see how Helen's doing." He held my upper arms, rubbing them up and down. I nod and kiss his head, holding onto his cheeks.

"I'll be back soon baby. Take care and open the balcony doors. I don't want you to breathe in the fumes." I kiss his head again and head off to Helens. I race down the stairs, trying not to get spotted by anyone who would do what Robert did that man in the shop.

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