Who Wants to Live Forever?

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A/N: another warning for this chapter. There is a suicide in this chapter at the end. It's Monroe btw if you know the film and also there is a sex scene in this chapter, so be warned. Or not because it's Tom Hiddleston hahaha. Enjoy.

It wasn't unusual for people to have parties; it was almost a daily occurrence for someone to hold a party. It would always start off with a couple of the posh levels then slowly but surely it would work it's way down to the rest of the levels. Sometimes even going down to the bottom 10 floors. I never got involved with them, not with what happened the last time.

However, Robert always partied with Richard, his family and Charlotte. He said they asked after me on a few occasions but after I told them what happened with the dentist, they didn't pry too often now.

I lay on Robert's bed watching him change into a fresh suit while I wrap my naked form up in the soft blanket that was strewn across the mattress.

"Christine you know staring is rude," he smirked as he turned to you tying his tie.

"Would you rather have me look somewhere else?" I ask teasingly as I got off the bed, leaving the blanket there and fixing Robert's tie for him. His eyes widened quickly when he saw my breasts, but I ignored his soft touch around my waist and right breast as I continued my work.

"Absolutely not," he smirked and pushed me down on the bed. I looked up at him and my mind travelled to the last time we had sex, waiting for this moment. You'd think after that party I would never want to be touched, but I trust him with my life I know him.

He softly pushes my shoulder, so I voluntarily lay on my back with my legs off the edge of the bed. Robert kisses the inside of my left thigh, moving it to the side as he puts it down and moves to my right thigh next. He does the same action, so I'm completely exposed. He gives me a look asking for permission and I silently agree, quickly feeling him dip down.

His tongue circles my clit, a finger slowly dipping in and out of me gently coaxing me, Robert's other hand steadying my left leg and my hands go down to his thick locks, pulling gently as pleasure washes through me.

He keeps going and finally pulls me over the edge. I remove my hands from his hair, and he gets up, washing his hands and coming back over to me. He lays on his side as I relax and runs his hand through my hair, gently untangling it.

"Come with me tonight," he whispers.

My eyes open and gaze into his piercing baby blues, "what?"

"To the party with Wilder and Melville. I said I would ask you," he rambles. I sit up, feeling less relaxed now as I think about the last party I entered.

"I'll protect you; I promise. You don't have to leave my side and I won't leave yours just-" he sighs, sitting up next to me, "please come, I want you to have a good time with me that doesn't involve sex and this room," he continued and made me stifle a laugh.

"What do you say Chrissie. I'll protect you..."

I sit next to him for a while and nod. He smiles and lets me get changed while preparing us soup for dinner, seeing as we won't eat at the party or after.

He hands me the mug filled with Tomato soup and I drink up before we leave.

We walk slowly as I try to get over my nerves, at one point I see the dentist and freeze making my arm unloop from Robert's grasp. He turns back to me and see the fear on his face.

"Chrissie are you alright?" He asks but I don't answer, I just keep staring at the man. Robert follows my stare and his own gaze lands on the dentist, his fists clench and a stern look comes across his face, scaring the dentist as he scuttles back home.

"He won't harm you after what I did to him." He takes my hand and kisses my forehead.

"What exactly did you do to him?" I ask.

"Just enough to keep him alive," he answers shortly, and we keep walking.

We get to the party that looked like it'd been going on for hours. Everyone was already drunk or high and enjoying the night. I felt male gazes upon my body frightening me and forcing me to grip tighter onto Robert's side. He notices my distress and spots Helen, Richard's wife, and walks me over to her and her children.

"Christine! It's lovely to see you here finally!" She exclaims gleefully and hugs me, her large pregnant belly getting in the way making her laugh. I try to maintain a happy expression, even with the fear running through me.

"It's lovely to see you too Helen," I replied. Robert said his hello and said he was going to get me a drink. I instantly grew more nervous.

"I thought I would stay with you," I panicked.

"You won't be out of my sight and Helen will be with you. It's okay," Robert calmed me, but I still felt scared no matter what he said. He left and I returned to a conversation about her pregnancy. We talked for a while before Robert returned with Charlotte.

"Christine... thank you for coming." She embraces me in a hug and pulls me to the side, leaving Robert to talk with Helen.

"How are you doing?" She asks with an extremely sympathetic look.

"Can we go outside?" I ask and she nods. We go out and I place my wine glass on the edge of the terrace and Charlotte pulls out two cigarettes and a lighter.

"Here, you need it." I take the ciggy and light it up once she's finished. She asks me how I am again, and a tear slips out as I talk about coming here. "Christine. No one has heard from Steele since the incident. I don't know what Robert did but he's got him hanging by a thread. He's almost as reclusive as the architect," she explained, I felt a little more at ease.

I took another drag of my cigarette, throwing it off the side of the high rise before replying, "that's good to know I guess."

"Of course it is sweetheart."

She pulls me into a hug before I see something fall from the high rise. I look and see a man falling into the car par, screaming as I see him hit the car, blood, glass, and bone exploding everywhere.

Robert instantly runs out and holds me as he walks toward the edge, peering over to look at the young man.

"Monroe..." he whispers to himself. I see people come out to the balcony and look at the crushed body.

"I don't think he needs a head doctor anymore..." Wilder says to Robert. People start walking away from the scene and re-join the party. I continue to torture myself with the body of Monroe, but Robert pulls me back and notifies Charlotte and Helen that we were going home.

I told him not to, but he carried me home I said I wanted to go back to my flat, so we slept together in my bed that night.

Reliving a memory (Tom H/Robert Laing fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat