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AKASHA MADE HER WAY to the polis where she was given a special set of commands. In polecat form, she crawled and leaped through the tiny cracks and holes of buildings trotting around carelessly. Not enough to be stomped on. But enough where she can maneuver easily. It's hard for her to deceive her mother like this. For her husband who has deceived her from the start, go behind her back and ask his half daughter, the one thing Hera had that was hers, To protect the spawn of a god and mortal.

In order to do what she had set out to do. It was the only way she could be on earth. It didn't help that her mother always kept a watchful eye on her and wasn't fond of the idea of her only child wondering about in the cruel world of man.

As she passed a merchant tent her physical form changed into the appearance of a 5-year-old young girl. Her eyes changed to a beauteous shade of jade. Her hair of silk became full of wild vivacious raven curls. Her Wardrobe changed to grey draped rags with a cloak over her head to hide her face.

The barefooted goddess made her way around the merchants she bumped into a round man who sneered.

"Damn bastard." He muttered the girl's green eyes glowered as she watched the man walk to his stand.

Discreetly using swift hand movements made the wine he sold turn over causing the man to spout out curses as he gathered the fallen Amphora. Akasha was cunning by nature and often caused mischief. Only to those who deserved it. 

"Is this all you can give me?" A boy asked he stood in raggedy clothing holding a bag of rocks in front of the man.

"Yes. Be grateful to the gods that I do this for you. now move." He said dropping one tetartemorion.

He frowned but picked up the coin and walked away. Clutching her cloak she followed the boy but stopped when she lost him. Squinting her jade eyes she caught the stick immediately taking the boy aback

"H-how...Who are you and why are you following me?" He asked Akasha snatched the stick from his hold and placed it on the ground.

"My gods calm down," I spoke.

"Well, who are you?" He asked his blue eyes piercing her clocked figure Akasha smiled.

"My name is Faye." She introduced the boy backed away from her as she took off her cloak revealing curls.

"My name is Heron." The boy mutters trying to sound touch the girl smiled at his attempt.

"Where are you from Faye? I've never seen you before." He asked the girl turns and gives her back to the boy with a smile.

"My parents and I have migrated to this polis. My father found work to raise sheep. My mother is a humble woman. And tends to our home." I fabricated. My parents were far from that. They never existed in the first place. Instead, they lived in the sky sipping and dining on fine wine.


"You seem to be my age, do you want to go on an adventure with me?" He asked but was cut off when a woman called out his name.

"Oh my mother is calling for me." He said with sadness.

"It's okay, go to your mother. Our adventure will start before sundown tomorrow." Akasha's alter ego spoke before bidding the young boy well. On her way to the farm where the young girl bewitched the farmer and his wife tricking them to believe that she was their child. Even though the farmers' wife couldn't bear children they considered the unknown child as their own.

She pets a sheep's head before walking Inside to be greeted by the warm fire.

"Faye, my have the heavens given us blessings." Her 'Mother' enthuses as she stirred the clayed pot of mutton soup.

"Your father has raised a great one my dear." She smiled akasha nods.

"Yes, we are thankful for father. I shall retire to my room. summon me once dinner is completed." The girl said but was grabbed by her shoulder.

"Now now missy, there's no relaxing when there's housework to do. We women do not rest." She said as she sends a makeshift broom made of hay.

Without complaint, The goddess did what she was told. She was playing a role. And she plays it well. Looking up at a nearby tree where a golden hawk sat perched upon she made brief eye contact before turning away watching the bird fly off into the distance.

She knew what that was code for. She didn't expect Zeus to linger around here for long. He came and go but this child is special to him. Hera would not be pleased. My mother's well-being is being destroyed slowly. I can't help but feel bad that I'm working alongside her husband and helping him hide the product of his affairs.

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