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TOSSING AND TURNING Akasha awoke dripping in cold sweat. ripping off the sheep wool sheets— she swung her legs over clutching her heart.

Tears streams down her eyes as she left her room she needed water desperately. she wanted to go home. under orders and a promise she made for a boy she never met till now, she did what she had to do. It was time to pay her mother a visit as far as Hera knew Akasha left to train with the amazons. She was a powerful goddess alone but she wanted to hone into her warrior skills more rather than relying on her magic.

Akasha snapped her fingers as her glamour wore off revealing her true goddess form. She managed to mask her presence before anyone can sense it, her natural glow was dull. She grabbed her cloak and placed the hood over her long hair.

Her bare feet walked the lush grassy pathway to the well her fake farmer family owned. She placed her fingers delicately in the water creating ripples causing the water to glow a pink hue. Her reflection was gone and placed with the image of her home. She slipped through her portal and into a bath her bed rooms gold mirror.

Sighing at the sight that her beautiful room surrounded by the rarest of flowers her true favorite orchids, her room was of royal purple, gold and large stone pillars. Her paints and feathers laid on the table where she last left them.

Her feet glided across the gold white marble floors towards the balcony where the view of mt. Olympus was still breathakling beautiful. She missed her home, her family.

A sigh escaped her plump lips.

"My dear child." A soft regal voice spoke from behind her turning around her mother stood her arms open.

"Mother!" she exasperated as she clung into her mothers arms. Hera embraced her daughter as her hands raked through the young goddesses raven hair.

"My beautiful daughter you've returned home!" She spoke softly as if this was a dream. Akasha pulls a way as her mother cups her face. A tear slipped from her emerald eyes causing hers to wipe it with her thumb .

"Dear child why are you crying?" She asked shocked as akasha never revealed tears to Hera. Her emotions were always masked.

"Nothing, it's just I'm happy to be home." She whispered.

"I am too."

"It's only a short visit before I go back."

"Speaking of your training when your away I can't feel your presence anymore." Hera spoke akash slightly panicked but kept a straight face.

"I've been feeling rather drained from being away from Olympus. I'm not used to the land." She spoke.

"Hm. Maybe so. I will miss you dearly. I hope those amazons are treating you as you should be treated." She spoke as she joins out arms together and walked throughout her garden.

"Mother I'm treated as a warrior not a goddess" I spoke she sighs.

"That have lost all respect. Absolutely revolting." She spoke.

"Ah Akasha is home!" Demeter spoke as she hugged me Hera side eyed the goddess as she showered Akasha in affection.

"Hello Aunt Demi"

Sensing zeus presence the young goddess turns towards the window overlooking Olympus.

"Mother it's time for me to return. I do wish I could have stayed longer but I will try to visit often." She spoke her mother friend slightly.

"Alright kasha, please be safe." She spoke as she embraced her daughter. Akasha made her way out of her mothers garden and towards the fountain her arm was grasped fearing it was zeus she turns to face the golden sun god himself.

"Akasha I didn't know you've returned home, it saddens me deeply we didn't have a chance to send you off properly and when you didn't return my Iris." He spoke

"Apollo." She softly spoke one of her suitors stood before her the god let go of her arm and looked down at the raven haired beauty her jade green eyes met his blue.

"I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to everyone" she pauses before looking towards the moon rising.

"Forgive me but I must return to my duties." She said before bending towards the fountains and placing her finger tips on the water creating a portal.

"When will you return? I would love for you to take me up on my proposal Akasha." He spoke watching the enchanted goddess sigh she looks up before standing and places her hand on his cheek.

"I am not sure I'm ready for a suitor. My mind had been occupied with something else. My judgment is clouded and I am burdened." She spoke the god places his free hand under her chin to make her look up at him.

"Akasha I will wait for you. What has burdened the young princess?" He spoke akasha forces a small laugh.

"Apollo you can't possibly wait for me. And unfortunately I am sworn to secrecy." She spoke Apollo sturdier her eyes for lies. He squints a bit before pulling away akasha had no idea zeus had put his sons up with his nonsense. I'm her mind she thought she was the only one swindled into helping the king disrespect her mother.

"All is well. Safe travels akasha. In case you need me please take this." He spoke placing a ocarina in her hand.

"Blow in this and I will come for you. I wish to make you my wife someday." He spoke Akasha looked the golden god into his eyes and blushed slightly. Her soft hands gently grasped the ocarina.

"Thank you" she smiled the god placed his lips on her cheek and brushed it akasha felt warm under his touch. His naturally warm skin sent a comforting feeling on her ebony rich skin her goddess glowed slightly brighter as if flames ignited it.

"I will let you go. Till then I will see you soon" he pulls away and disappears. Akash turned her body towards the fountain and dipped herself in appearing to her fake home.

The goddess found herself laying in her cot thinking of her life back home. Maybe it wouldn't be a Terrible idea to think about marriage. Perhaps her mother will allow it but that would be as far fetched as a mortal entering mount Olympus. For now her main mission was to protect and guide the blue eyed boy.

A/N: hello fellow readers I would like to apologize for not updating this book. As you guys know life was life-ing lol. Kind of got sidebar with everything. Work, school vacation lol and ofc playing wife to my boyfriend. He actually encouraged me to continue my books and art so I'm going to do just that! See you guys next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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