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The following evening, Issy woke just before dusk feeling oddly restful. As a general rule, the day after a verbal confrontation with anyone, especially her brother, usually left Issy feeling restless and anxious but this evening, none of those emotions were there. Her mind immediately went to the conversation she had had with Massillon and its connection to her present mood. The male had a reassuring effect on her. He simply made Issy feel more sure of herself. Generally it took Issy months or even years to be this comfortable around another person even a male who was courting her, however with Massillon the connection was growing stronger very quickly. The most disturbing thing about this situation was that now she was looking forward to the ball because she would be spending time with the male. 

The Doeshar, she tried to remind herself. Issy physically shook herself as she moved from her bed, toward the en suite. Her father had intended this courtship with serve as a truth seeking expedition, Issy needed to keep that in mind. If Raphael Odim thinks someone had an agenda beyond what they disclosed, then they definitely must be up to something. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking insistently at her door. Issy belayed her trip to the bathroom and turned to go to the door. She was unsurprised to find her mother and four members of their household behind her. Her mother looked slightly annoyed after all Issy had not been exactly light on her feet when she walked over to open the door, while the three female and one male, for their part looked mortified. It was common knowledge that, in the morning,  an Isalinah who had meditated and even sparred was always to be found in a better mood that an Isalinah who had just risen.  

Issy hated these shows of force her mother generally indulged in when ever she knew she was already working the edge of Issy's last nerve. It was almost like she wanted a confrontation to occur, but Issy was learning to surpass the need to rise to them, for the most part.Tonight, Issy instead chose to simply turn around and walk to her bathroom to relieve herself, leaving the staff to set up and her mother to stew.

Nearly an hour later when Issy emerged from her closet in a loose fitting dress, no bra and her face bear of makeup, she could have swore the entire left side of her mother's perfect face had developed an involuntary twitch. A'Shanna was perched on the edge of the mattress, her entire body seemingly relaxed, the right side of her face, which incidently was visible to the staff, giving off the air of contentment, but Issy was not fooled. Her mother hated to be kept waiting and the inner walls of Issy's room wasn't sound proof to the ears of a vampire. It was obvious that A'Shanna had listened as Issy turn on the jets in her tub for what had turned into a thirty minute soak. 

All at once her expression and demeanor changed as A'Shanna released a throaty giggle and a deep dramatic sigh and for a few seconds Issy could have swore there was pride in her mother's eyes before she returned to A'Shanna the Consort, all of her previous annoyance gone. 

"Good night, my child," A'Shanna announced, more so to the room than Issy alone.

Issy wasn't entirely sure but she had the distinct impression that her mother had accepted defeat. Issy was ready for the games and subterfuge to be over so she copied the happy new mood, suppressing the urge to strangle.

"Good night Mother, it is a pleasure to find you in good health." 

Nearly three hours and fourteen pin sticks later, Issy's gown, shoes, hair style, make up and accessories were finally chosen. This time Issy took the lead in choosing the colour and cut of her dress and shoes. She had gone with something of a show-stopper in a bold mustard colour. The cut of the grown was mermaid style in a satin material that left little to hide behind. There was also a lot of cleavages on display with jewel encrusted split  running from her left shoulder, across her cleavage and ending just above her navel. Shockingly, A'Shanna had been silent most of the time, only chiming in to give her approval of Issy's choices. Instead the female was focused on Issy completely. It was a bit unnerving, Issy found to be stalked around the room by her mother's intense stare. 

The Consort Of House MarasarahOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora